
((Well, the original plan, of course, was to use 9, but he refused. I suppose you could have used 8, but if your issue is "paying tribute to the history of the show", then c'mon, the star of the abortive attempt to Americanize the show via TV movie doesn't really have the juice, either))

The idea of The Doctor having glimpses of hypocrisy is something that has rarely ever surfaced in the character. At the most, it was during the times he tried to be "better" than some of the human reactions. But we've never seen this type of double-down ignorance from the character. He's like an infant who demands

"Listen: you couldn't have gotten all 8 other Doctors in the episode"

You mean when he was perfectly satisfied letting UNIT do all the heavy lifting for him during Pertwee's era and/or any time he's on Earth and needs actual physical support? Doesn't that just paint the character even further into delusional hypocrisy? How are we supposed to take him seriously when he's blindingly

That's fine. And I know there are people out there who can digest it as such. If they wanted to make that impact, though, why use a stranger to tell the story? Why not an actual Doctor? It loses all impact or meaning when it's some random guest-star doing the heavy lifting instead of the main character of The Doctor

Fair enough. My take is that she was so rushed around by her dual life, and so used to lying to Danny, that she's never made a real actual personal connection to him that would allow something as meaningful as "love" to occur. It's the contradiction in what is shown on the screen and what is said in the dialogue that

I wonder at what point do people grow up and begin to believe that children can only relate to children on screen? I've seen this theory (cooked up by marketing teams decades ago) when it comes to why the "kid sidekick" was created in Robin with Batman. That kids don't relate to adult characters. I find that odd,

Star Wars Episode VII's Karlos is correct….

Sé que estabas bromeando . Estaba bromeando a cambio . Te amo ! ;)


Raise a glass in her memory. She joins Barbara, Ben, Liz, Sarah-Jane, The Brigadier, and Romana I.

Ah! Right on. I might have missed something, though. Did he admit he was lying? Or was that something we were supposed to draw from a scene?

While I thought he was waaaaay overboard from "curmudgeon" and went straight to "total prick", I've been saying for weeks that this is the Sixth Doctor Redux era. I hope, like you said, that this pays off somehow and isn't supposed to be valid "characterization". Guess we'll see.

You have a weird sense of humor if that's "funny" to you. ;)

Verity Lambert left in the 1960's. We're talking about Chris Eccleston's RTD season in 2005. Sorry that wasn't clear. Your English is impressive, though. Keep studying… ;)

But, he didn't. Clara has to actively point it out to him…

Really? I did too, but it made me smile seeing an old friend back again. Each their own, of course.

Dude I was just teasing you. No offense meant. ;)

Only for the most shallow of viewers. But whatever your speed…. lol

Ah. A callback to a previous role. Gotcha. Thanks!