Odin's Ravings

Puppy eyes, what’s that? This is how I always look.

But shouldn’t we wait and see how they handle these difficult topics and then decide?

It’s almost certainly bull sharks, they’ve been sighted as far up the Mississippi as Illinois, some estuary in Louisiana or whatever isn’t going to present an issue for them. Plus, of course, the fact that there’s a bunch of them in Lake Nicaragua...

These are not mean-spirited enough.

I know these are a little mean-spirited, especially the parody of Fatal Attraction, but I can’t help but find them absolutely hilarious. Kellyanne Conway might be one of the worst people alive today, and I have major trouble empathizing with her as a human being as a result.

You’ve got to be kidding. Talk about hypocrisy

I don’t see it... is it supposed to be the worm?

Goo-ber! Eew.

They all say the big Juan is coming.

Mexico City is on the “Ring of Fire” where 90% of all earthquakes occur, so this is not unusual (despite what the doomsayers and thirsty media will have you believe).

What could go wrong?

On the other hand, since America’s science fields are going to shit under Trumputin, getting out while you still can and moving some place else on a work VISA, like a nation less openly hostile towards the sciences, is probably not a bad idea. I even hear many such nations are looking to court those people with the

I’m not sure how you got access to the open internet from North Korea, but I’d take issue with your assessment of Kim Jong-un as a “strong, competent, and rational” leader.

I’ve never seen a more regressive administration in my lifetime than this one. This is an America being thrust back into the dark ages.

What Trump will do in four to eight years (because until the day impeachment proceedings start, I am sure this fucker is going the distance) is going to take decades, if not more, to fix. This nation has taken a giant fucking step backward since the day he took over, and it’s just going to get worse.

...since the term ‘protest’ now means burning towns, looting, and even murder...

This article wold have worked better if it wasn’t a game to shoot Cops now.