
Todays youth looove their parents - no joke, I’m 16 and 18 years old than my early 20's sisters and they considered our mom one of their BFF’s. Twenty plus years ago I couldn’t wait to get the fuck outta her house! Shes basically the same women and yes I’m a little more jaded and mean than my sisters, but youth

Roy Moore circa 1970/80's

I reject his underlying assumption that he’s relevant enough for anyone to care about this.

Idiots. Idiots watch this show.


John Kelly would have been “a kid growing up” in the 50s and 60s. I know the old folks all tend to be a little selective in recalling the good ol’ days, but holy fucking mother of fuck, people. If a man of his supposed intelligence really believes the 19fucking50s were the glory days for women being “looked upon with

What the hell are Michigan and Wisconsin doing with the good States?

“Rep. Steve Scalise, who was nearly killed in a horrific shooting at a congressional baseball practice in June, has somehow found that being shot in the hip with a semi-automatic rifle “fortified” his views on the Second Amendment—and after at least 59 people were killed and over 500 injured by a semi-automatic rifle

I believe in Kap’s protest, and wish more players and NFL fans would embrace it. That flag doesn’t protect or represent me, and it has been actively used to denigrate myself and countless others.

I don’t think it’s her little bit of English that got her where she is. Her being able to suck a golf ball through 50 feet of hose helped more.

I met her at a book signing in like 2007 and when I told her my name she said, “You’re shittin’ me,” and asked to see my driver’s license. (It was admittedly weird of me to ask her to make it out to my full name.)

You forgot the gif.

What’s actually disconcerting is you using of the term “fag” without batting an eye.

I’ve dated short, tall, thin and husky. At the end of the day its how they work horizontal.

How Mark Wahlberg got anywhere in life higher than a Masshole who hawks tickets outside Justin Bieber concerts is beyond me...

The last thing I want to do after sex is eat. What goes best after sex? A shower.

The environmental damage even from a limited nuclear war would be insane, personally I think a nice quick vaporisation would be better than starving to death, while hoping to not be cannibalised.

Go away, Paul Hollywood, you’re dead to me.

I’d ask if people really are that stupid, but I live in a country where ~62 million people voted for a carnival barker reality TV show host for president and dillweeds like Louie Gohmert keeps getting elected to Congress.