
Is that Sebastian Stan with facial hair, because I was just lukewarm before.

Trump, a man who dodged and cheated his way out of serving, has decided that Trans people who want to serve in the Forces aren’t worthy of doing so. Couldn’t make it up.

if the trailer was uncomfortably loud for you, I’d rec bringing a set of earplugs to muffle the sound just in case. If you don ‘t end up needing them, it’ll be no skin off your nose, but if you do need them it’ll make those 107 a lot easier to get through. There’s so little dialogue in the movie that you don’t have

I would definitely advice waiting until it comes out on DVD/streaming then. There is literally not a single moment in the entire film where Zimmer’s score isn’t blaring. It starts up as soon as the movie begins and never relents.

If John McCain has brain cancer, then what will the rest of the GOP be diagnosed with?

I worked at Barnes & Noble in high school - all expired editions of Playgirl, Playboy, High Times, Groove, NME, etc made their way to me in short order.

Everyone knew you were doing this, btw - former bookstore employee.

I openly want the very worst, most tragic events real life can offer to dodge Mitch McConnell to his grave.

It’s the GOP version of social Darwinism: survival of the wealthiest.

People playing at being poor makes me crazy. It’s why I detest On The Road so much. If I wanted to listen to a bunch of middle-class white dudes wax poetic about issues that don’t effect them I would join the Republican party.

I imagine maybe doing a quick rotation? Suck, pull off, slap and then go back to suck all within a couple seconds? Sounds like a lot of work though... Oh wait! Just do it while in the 69 position. That should make it easier to do both at the same time.

I seriously considered leaving the country today. I’m really down.

Sometimes.... I kinda wish the world got nuked... Just like, meh, nukes. Ya know?

Now is a good time to go up to that friend of yours who insisted Hillary was a neoliberal warmonger and there was no difference between her and a Republican and voted for Jill Stein or didn’t vote — you know the guy, white twenty-something with the goatee who thinks you’ll go out with him if he drops band names you’ve

For iOS, if you use the magnifier (or some other stuff) you’ll need to add color filters to your triple-click menu:

Now playing

Yeah the song is great, but I still like Tom Holland’s performance better

  • Report: the Democratic party remains very stupid. [The Hill]

“Ivanka Trump’s luxury diamond buzzsaw blades. Cuts through wood like it’s America’s social safety net!”

Whatever tiny shred of hope I had in American democracy is gone now. There are no longer any standards. It’s just whether the candidate has a D or an R next to their name. Why bother voting anymore? What a joke.

I absolutely knew that this shitbag assaulting a reporter wouldn’t hurt his chances in the election; if anything, it would make him more popular.