
how did I miss this, whoops - yep, C-EDS to be specific

I’m downing cider sangria - 6 cups cider or juice, 1 cup caramel vodka, 1 bottle sweet white wine, mixed and poured over ice with a splash of ginger ale, that I whipped up after the 6pack of fall harvest woodchuck I bought turned it to taste like a PSL threw up in the back of my mouth

Maybe it’s a bad angle and I hate putting down people for their looks, but silver lining of this story is her mugshot makes me feel waaaay better abt the tiny line my 24-year-old forehead is getting.

I alternate between cane, walker, and wheelchair due to a genetic connective tissue disorder. I’m young enough this attracts a lot of nosy bullshit, and I wish I could say the tactic suggested in this article (trying to politely explain its none of their business) worked, but it doesn’t. Literally nothing does, not

THANK YOU. My older half siblings were adopted and to hear my dad talk about it each kid was north of mid-5 figures in the SEVENTIES, and that’s not even touching on the time involved

I’m 24 too and can technically still take shots, weirdly it’s going too fast through the wine that gets to me. But anway I second allllllll of this comment (and would like to add “sleeping on people’s couches/futons/otherwise not just shelling out for even a shitty motel room)

I grew up in Springfield (maybe half an hour north), and though I’ve never been here I literally ONLY know it as the place that throws rolls, and so does everyone else local. When your family drives down to Lambert’s after graduation or church or your aquittal on charges of meth possession, you’re not gonna tell your

Well it doesn’t seem fancy-pants or trendy to me because I know the history of it, but I do live in arkansas, soooooo yeah that’s how it comes off and is marketed around here.

You kinda have to laugh at yourself when treatments and trends coincide - recently my gastroparesis (complication of a connective tissue disorder) got bad enough I had to start taking my veggies as juicing and doing green smoothies , and my doctors recommended I do Pilates for the joint issues, and I don’t think my

if this was true, I’d be very curious how he legally obtained a firearm as this and other articles are saying - I was involuntarily committed for suicidal ideation when I was 18 and it’s illegal for me to even be under the same roof as a gun iirc, and i live in Arkansas, ffs, so shouldn't louisiana have at least

I did that twice a year the first two years post diagnosis, but then gluten ataxia w accompanying catatonic depression reared its ugly head and that was just not worth it. All the more power to you and your poor beleaguered villi, tho

my thoughts exactly, and thats not even getting into those of us with bad enough luck to have celiac and shit like gastroparesis or crohns for whom gluten could be an irritant even we arent having autoimmune reactions to it, but part of me REALLY wants to not have to worry so fucking much about cross contamination

that is much more impressive than my one-thing-from-limited-too-purple-pants-with-zippers-to-make-them-capris-OR-shorts (what was it with tween millennials and convertible clothing?)

Vodka, and other spirits, can be made from gluten containing grains. distillation is supposed to eliminate the proteins, but some people with extremely sensitive celiac (me among them at one time, though my sensitivity’s better after several years gf and I can finally drink distilled anything again) still react.

As a fellow lady into ladies who scrolled through all these comments of ladies proposing to dudes with a bit of this-is-cute-but-ehhh disinterest before I got to yours, thank you for posting, this is adorable

sorry, but bullshit, being on the spectrum does not excuse you from creepy behavior. every one of my “special interests” that involves living people (usually music) also involves a huge dose of self consciousness about the obsessive aspect and respectfulness to a fault, and even if it didn't, it wouldn't be okay for

walmart, sometimes clintons, some pretty “mountains”, the odd gay hippie enclave IN those mountains, actually some pretty great public schools (we were top 5 a few years ago iirc. thanks, walmart money!), and most of all, we aren’t oklahoma (but for my southern backwoods vacation money I’d rather visit Tennessee)

if you hate that, please make sure you cover your ears if you ever have to listen to any of us talk about “petty gene” mountain/state park

but eureka springs keeps approving non discrimination ordinances anyway, bless their hearts

after the religious freedom legislation got passed in Arkansas, a bar here in fayetteville put up a sign saying they proudly served everyone with the exception of Arkansas legislators :’)