
I’m a pretty devout Episcopalian and ran for state assembly this year (first dem to ever in the district) and at a bipartisan meet the candidates event, I insisted on saying a quick prayer before my spiel for the victims of a mass shooting that day bc hey, the moderator was related to our good Christian congressman,

I resisted reading on this for nearly a month bc I knew the comments section would be an unprecedented mess of idiocy and sublimated bigotry and hey! Look at that! I was right!!!

How long until some city decides to set up security checkpoints on incoming highways?“

I’ve been arrested for non violent civil disobedience on Capitol Hill 5 times this year. Guess what my fellow arrestees wear almost every time? Scrubs and coats for medical professionals, business formal or casual for students and everyone else, and any of this shit preeeeeetty much never, bc who woulda thunk it but

Hey hey hey, Slytherins are ambitious and have a sense of self preservation and would never risk the blowback this had already gotten, vs SOME PEOPLE who are ambitious and RUSH INTO THINGS ABOUT IT, in what some hats might call a brave way...

Surprisingly, we have several (thanks Walmart corporate), but he should be forced to drive to Oklahoma or Dallas to fly out for the record he has wreaked

“Though he’s initially presented as a handsome charmer (like Gray), we gradually begin to learn more about Russo’s ruthlessness and willingness to destroy the lives of others in pursuit of his own personal gain. Much to the horror of those who know him, Russo becomes more and more monstrous as the series progresses

Yuuuup. I have a rare genetic disorder that means spontaneous joint dislocation and instability; I’ve been on hydrocodone and morphine for 6 years+ straight and never gotten high from it, even putting it ground up straight into my jejunum via PEGJ feeding tube for post-op pain after that tube was placed. After my

My dad took his steak like this, but my dad was also raised in the 40s on a farm in Kansas without consistent refrigeration. Shit ain’t right.

Especially when you consider it’s just down the road from Fayetteville to the South and Eureka Springs to the East, which are (afaik) the only places in AR who passed LGBTQ non-discrimination ordinances (and Fay is home of U of A aka UT for underachievers - KIDDING - and the largest Pride parade in AR). People are

“At the same event, attendee Kati McFarland, who suffers from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, told Cotton: “Without coverage for preexisting conditions, I will die.””

Very much so - that’s why they’re called ultralight! I need a wheelchair (and use a rollator) due to a genetic connective tissue disorder that makes my circulation weak and my joints prone to spontaneous dislocation and wear and tear. Even in people without this, wheelchairs cause a SUPER high rate of repetitive

Never comment on jalopnik but this was on the main page and I was curious...I figured it was for wheelchair users, but didn’t know about the blind thing! Honestly, as a rollator walker user who’s insurance still hasn’t approved the power assisted ultralight chair I still desperately need for heart and joint

*sportpuck (which makes it even funnier if you consider what the hockey market is like in dallas. They’re my team and I adore them, but still, I could get season tickets for $75 a game when toronto’s season ticket waitlist is 10 years long)

I’ve got a connective tissue disorder that makes even standing up (when my heart rate shoots up) or lifting small weights perilous (more than a few pounds of groceries will dislocate a wrist). All my doctors have recommended water aerobics/PT and PT Pilates - if you’re working with normal connective tissue and no

I live near Fayetteville and STILL can’t pass restaurant on the corner without thinking of #11 and giggling myself halfway off the road, or travel down i49 without wondering if Santa trucker is still off somewhere in the mountains. Thanks for this and all the other stories and I will def be following you at wonkette!

Agreed - I’ve got a chronic genetic based illness with tons of complications and pain. There’s a shortage of pain management doctors locally so my PCP’s been handling it, and as great as he is, the local small town compounding pharmacist who knows me on sight is the only one who bothered to tell me to eat before

The nice thing abt acne treatment though is it’ll slow aging - I’m almost 25 and have been using retinoids since 21 and though I have noticed a bit of a texture change the last few years, and a few horizontal hairline forehead wrinkles i get when I’m really dry, when I’m diligent with both my atralin and my

Yeah, and the “essential heartlessness of the sharing economy” isn’t news to anyone with a disability. uber/lyft issues aside, my friends are always telling me when i’m mulling over hotel bookings that i could just get an airbnb, but they can skirt under the ADA and FHA both, the “accessible” filter on their website

Eh, my mom and dad were 36/47 respectively when I came along. my mom died at 48 and my dad was healthier than me until he died in July at 71 of a sudden massive stroke, despite his parents living into their late 80s. So yeah, I'm orphaned at 24, but not due to old age - there's really no guarantee with that kind of