
Your brother! Did I win? :)

Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:

Who tells a stranger she has “nice skin?”

Even accepting the most generous interpretation of events, Pewdiepie’s actions were indefensible. The “joke” is that he’s dangling free money in front of poor people to get them to do racist shit. Would you think it was ok to throw change at a homeless man in exchange for him yelling a slur? Because this is no

I’ll say that I believe him when he is saying that he personally harbors no anti-Semitic feelings, but it still dumb and I don’t think its out of line for him to suffer some blow-back for it. A dumb idea is a dumb idea. I wouldn’t go into a predominantly black neighborhood and start quoting Blazing Saddles dialogue,

Like most harassment training will tell you: it’s not the intention; it’s the impact that matters.

Remember when statesmen and leaders were intelligent, well-read, and had a firm grasp on concepts outside of politics and game-shows, like science. Those were the days.

It is completely ignorant to think we are the only beings in the entirety of the universe. Its like thinking your the only person in your state because you can’t see anyone else.

That’s what’s terrifying/frustrating, it seems like they’re stacking the cabinet etc. to essentially remove checks & balances, so that when we cry “you can’t DO that, that’s illegal!” they’re just like, “so?”

And I need an investigation to see whether she’s sent any emails telling her staff to buy Ivanka’s tacky crap. Then we can go full circle on this shit.

I usually stay away from this term but I have reached my goddamn limit.

um.....Lock Her Up?

Nah you’re wrong. Theranos tech was faulty and they were using competitor’s equipment. And you know, stealing your shareholder’s money is never a good thing.

Not to worry, in a few months, you’ll only need to look out your window to see the world on fire.

Only religious arguments justify your pro-birth/anti-abortion stand. It’s a moral argument you’re making most likely based a Judeo-Christian idea of a soul, and therefore religious in nature. The science is pretty moot on it, other than we know for a fact that a blastocyst can not feel nor think.

The issue with Dune is how its written and presented and less the story. As it takes place from multiple points of view which in many ways spoils what comes next. Most Directors want to have a mystery and surprises but the Harkonan plan, hell even the collaborators are known right away. There isn’t that much

But enough about Trump....

It makes me very very sad that the bloody bible is one of the very first things you can think of that should be preserved for the future. How about instead putting some actual history on the thing and a snap shot of what our scientific understanding of the world is right now? The bible and it’s schizophrenic babble

Don’t collect toys...