
fact: if you cheat - you’re gonna cheat again. Either its the situation you’re in or it’s your character. Neither of which will change.

well .. we have all been “nothingness” before we were “something” .. we are all just vacationing here in the something .. until its time to go back to nothing.

again ?! really. You know it does NOT say “the right to bear arms shall not be infringed” .. you KNOW and for some reason omit the WHOLE statement: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” - a “WELL REGULATED

well the amazon sale at 2pm was BS!! .. clicking on refresh at 1:59 ...continued to show not avaiable for order until 2:02...finally got a button that shows add to cart at 2:03 ... then clicked for 2 minutes the add to cart only to arrive on screen saying nothing in cart over and over .. then 2 minutes later - no

Hugo Boss sure did know how to make a Nazi look snappy ...

and free porn - dont forget about the free porn!

Bob ?

Well we all (including you) get “it”. There are about 45% of the population who will vote for Trump regardless of anything he says or does. He could probably shoot a baby in the face and that 45% wouldnt change. The reason is VERY clear - their vote is an FU to the political establishment and therefore it has

ya .. not kirk or spock .. we would be the dudes in the RED uniform who always die ..

Apparently, terrorists cant seem to follow the most basic rules of criminal activity.

Its a no-brainer that floss “helps” to remove food from in between your teeth. Having food in between your teeth WILL cause plaque - QED. This aint rocket science folks. You ever eat a steak and have that one area where when ya floss a huge chunk of meat come out ... that peice of meat sitting there overnight or

Im just gonna say it - there is no better shower head (and yes Ive tried the one being advertised here) for shower pressure and coverage than a Speakman Anystream (and you can remove the water restrictor ..).

Im just gonna say it - there is no better shower head (and yes Ive tried the one being advertised here) for shower

Key point overlooked - hes in FLORIDA. Insane and Florida goes together like peanut butter and jelly ..

He looks a lot like Justin Trudeau ... Any relation ?

How is this a “general vacuum” ? This is a wet/dry vac - this isnt going to clean CARPET.

How is this a “general vacuum” ? This is a wet/dry vac - this isnt going to clean CARPET.

perhaps the “thing they might have felt they missed” was the requirement for it to be a fun game to play...

its a witcher game. If you REALLY did not like 1 or 2 .. you wont like 3. 3 does everything “better” than 1 or 2 .. but its still a witcher game.

I still love my bioaxxis

You high ? That sounds pretty paranoid ..

are these income levels GROSS or NET - before taxes income or after taxes ??