

Hey GAWKER - where is your “snippet” about Hogan winning the court case against ya ??? Ya .. didnt think so ... !

For all the impressionable kids out there... “realer” is a malapropism - it is not an acceptable English word. That is, don’t think because you see it in a title of a Gizmodo article that you can use it in your “what I did last summer essay”. You cant and don’t.

Yes Duchovny IS a bigger star and has more “star power”. Anderson SHOULD HAVE said, “give me the same or I walk” (which is what I think she basically did). Hey listen - the TV business is a BUSINESS. Its purpose is to make the most money possible - period. Capitalism is Capitalism. If its not illegal, a business can

You couldnt get a clear answer ?? Really ? Ok - heres is the CLEAR answser. You were not raped. You allowed someone to have sex with you who you really did not want to have sex with. Its real simple, if someone attempt to physically have sex with you, you say “NO” then leave. laying there and saying NOTHING and not

Having been “around the block”, I can without question state that IF all you have is a W2 from a 9 to 5 job - no stock options, stock purchase/sales or ESPP transactions - and you have no external income (rental property etc.) then get the cheapest version of Turbo Tax and do it yourself for $50 or less.

Yep - count me in. SimpleHuman is simply the BEST.

Yep - count me in. SimpleHuman is simply the BEST.

Well ... I’m VERY pro-choice but you have to draw the line somewhere. At 6 months, I think (and I think the majority of pro-choice supporters agree) that unless the physical health of the mother is at stake, attempted murder/murder charges are in order. This is just plain selfish and unduly harmful all around. Their

Issue easily resolved. Just smoke vape liquid that tastes like cigarette smoke - done. Now on to my next issue to resolve - middle east peace. Stay tuned.

ya just gotta let kids learn from their mistakes ... I’m sure she learned an important lesson.

really ... no flame comments yet ? Surprising ..