

I already have the best sex toy.

The advanced active sensors of the TacTom identified the pair of non-hostile pigeons on the roof at the last second and disabled the warhead to prevent civilian casualties. Had the pigeons been brandishing small arms or MANPADs it would have been a completely different story.

21st Century politics: Turkey jails more journalists than any other country on earth. Turkey attends rally in Paris in support of free speech. Turkey criticizes Israel for attending.

Matt broke his finger while trying to save the manuals.

The Swedish believe they invented something new with their "crossover sedan". Would you agree?

Eh... idk. The difference might be slimmer than that, they have a shopping cart.

Even the plaque inside says it's for Vengeance Racing. Trust me, they aren't concerned with warranty!

P.S. The car had 3 miles on it when the burnout started... when it was over, the car had 8 miles on the clock!

The opening chapter of Tom Clancy's "Command Authority" has a pretty neat scene centered around a tricky little OH-58 playing peek-a-boo while targeting some Russian tanks in Ukraine. Pretty great read from a Crystal-Balls-Tom-Clancy-prediction-come-true point of view.

One layer of detail you omitted was that this is a multi-step process in which technicians at LANL (under the employ of their site contractor) process and package the waste. It is then supposed to undergo multiple tests prescribed by CCP. The site (LANL) is supposed to provide documentation to support their exact

Bonus points for the Girl Talk soundtrack.

Are you trying to give me confirmation bias?

did she write this?

if you were to listen to every one of these complaints, you would never own anything more complicated than a tree.

I'm not saying it's dealers, but it's definitely

1. Cross-drill your brakes.

"Wow...Lowenbrau...does it even exist anymore?" - Tuborg Gold

But the entire point of this article is that it's NOT just about the consumer perspective.

While I'm still young and patient enough to explain myself: I meant the specific way this word sounds out-loud in the English language. In this case, almost reaching the point of an onomato... you know what... forget it.