I've seen these before, they lift them completely off the tracks to pass people coming the other way. As for safety, I doubt its any worse than riding a moped in Cambodia, at least there are fewer potholes.
I've seen these before, they lift them completely off the tracks to pass people coming the other way. As for safety, I doubt its any worse than riding a moped in Cambodia, at least there are fewer potholes.
I bought this shirt. Nobody gets it but me.
Most amazing comment thread EVAR.
Ve are zorry you ordered a Mini with ze automatic, because ve don't think you deserve to drive zis car ve have omitted ze flappy-paddles. Please order a new mini with ze correct gearbox.
USA only :(
Just how 'inaudible' is a siren blaring at 100++ decibels? Enclosed streets (big time echo effect) plus bright flashing lights would make it noticeable to all but the stillest of human vegetables.