
My first car, a Renault 12 TX, was totalled when it was reduced to front-left wheel drive on a beach. The tower wouldn't go on the sand, and the (government-mandated) insurance didn't want anything to do with it so it was left there. Locals picked it apart.

Did he manage to shave enough speed before impact or is there some other reason the airbags didn't deploy?

I've heard about the crazy car prices in Singapore before, from a fellow Jalop no less. That being said, the earnings per capita is quite high, so despite this measure to curb traffic, it's basically an arbitrary taxation system the government takes advantage of, while the people are used to it and in most cases, can

Can anyone confirm if the JSON import method works for exported Google Reader data? At this point, that seems like a prime candidate for Pocket importing. I took a gander at it last week and my conclusion that short of clicking every single starred item in my Reader history into Pocket, it seemed highly unlikely that

Yep, she's a research assistant at our faculty, but with some luck she'll be enrolling in a university in San Diego come August (I feel her talents are somewhat wasted here), I might refer her to you as a good starting point in the regional art scene, and I'll contact you through your website if it all works out.


That was absolutely brilliant.

Here's one you might not expect:

Nothing, mostly. I had saved up about 4000 dollars, and the car itself only cost 2k. They never really questioned my vehicle purchases after that, but I never got to drive my parents' vehicles again.

I saved up to upgrade from my first car, a Renault 12. I told my parents I would go buy something small and economical. I didn't have much money anyway so they bought it.

I gave my magazine collection away to a library in a city that is quite far away, so I can't really track it down for you.

You disappoint

LJK Setright called the 928 S4 the best car in the world as he said goodbye to his personal car some time in the mid '90s (I think it was 1996). He wrote a very dark article about his heartbreak upon seeing it go in CAR magazine, and was quite vocal about how it was the ultimate sports car that did everything well,

Any word on compensation for the ground gears and soiled clutch?

Well that was a dick move.

It's a Cessna 172, it can't really fly that fast in the first place yet is quite capable of staying aloft at low speeds. Both vehicles would only really need to be doing about 45mph, which both vehicles could manage.

That's actually what I was trying to refer to when I mentioned cable management, but the word "modular" escaped me as my brain drew too much power momentarily, and it farted.

To be honest, I care more about the usage features of my PSU than the energy efficiency. It is, for example, more important for me that the PSU has sleeved cables and easy cable management, silent operation (120mm fan or greater is preferable due to this requirement), and due to the power fluctuations where I live, I

Except that Karsan has been around since 1937 in one way or another. They started out in assisting with the rebuilding of the Turkish railroad system after it was bombed in the war of independence in 1922, and they have been in the small bus and minivan business since the '80s as a joint venture with Peugeot. The vans

While this is a novel idea and an innovative application, I can't see this replacing real locking beaners for serious work. The whole point of the locking carabiner is that it takes an insane amount of force to unlock unintentionally, while I could see this coming unlocked in admittedly unlikely yet still possible