Hi asshole, I am a white person and I sure as shit don’t do this. Learn qualifiers like “a lot of” and “a huge number of” and “quite a few” instead of f*cking ALL, okay? Thanks.
Hi asshole, I am a white person and I sure as shit don’t do this. Learn qualifiers like “a lot of” and “a huge number of” and “quite a few” instead of f*cking ALL, okay? Thanks.
(insert any number of GOOD gifs here)
More and more every day I feel like I need to get the hell out of this racist ass country before the oppressed finally have enough of being nice and start getting theirs back. I don’t think “but I’m one of the good ones!” is going to cut it.
They’re indestructible. Aquaman’s skin can’t be pierced and he wicked strong.
Ugh, I went back and read it. Can’t make a joke about that.
Did color murder one of his family?
Tell me that guy’s not stoned off his ass.
I can’t wait until he fights the Saint of Buttholes.
Will & Grace? The “Armageddon” of tv shows? Fuck to the no.
I was an editor at Game Developer magazine back in 2000 - the minute I read the word “E3" I completely cold shuddered. No thank you.
I’m going to delete my original comment. I know what I meant but I was on the phone and didn’t spell it out very well at all.
The only card we had to play with them was that they didn’t have a military. Now they have an entire f*cking arsenal. Gosh, I wonder what will happen.
All I ask is that you do just a little bit of research as to what has historically happened to all of those munitions plant towns. And then go see what happened to coal towns, too, while we’re jerking off to the ‘80s again.
How many of you just went “why don’t we do this with guns?”
The gossip all over Twitter is that the divorce papers were signed, agreements were made, and they were not filed because Trump ended up winning. She must be in total Hell.
Is Maher TRYING to be so awful? Really now.
Yeah, I’m not a big fan of how running for President has become a big joke, or that already super rich people are the only ones we could trust not to be influenced.
They mentioned the twinkie diet. You refuted literally nothing. And I mean the literally, literally.
For Russian poetry majors? Is there some reason you felt the need to slam people who chose literary fields instead of scientific, and then imply that they are stupid? I have an MFA in creative writing. I also have a Doc in a field of history. One doesn’t have anything to do with the other, and neither have…
Do you see that street, and those unmatching mailboxes? That is not an HOA. And good for them because HOAs are the devil. “Your tree is the wrong shade of green, cut it down!” Ugh.