Java Jam Master Jay

Someday we’ll be able to watch a movie from beginning to end that chronicles every last birth, death, falafel, and stinky dump every single character has ever encountered.

We should just walk into every movie like this - either do your work or don’t movie, but fuck you until I see it.

The facehugger has to subdue the host and then make sure it continues to respire while the cancerization is taking place. I can’t see this happening if they went in anally. But now I am wondering why the huggers don’t have some sort of stinger that would let them implant no matter what, rather than trying to

As a graphic artist, I just sigh at the number of skills that are being turned into apps. It’s like being an auto plant worker as the robots roll in.

That’s not exactly true. The colors are pulled from (complicated gobbledygook) aspects of the black and white, which indicate what original color was there (sometimes).

Is there an in universe explanation for why the Flash’s costume looks like metal plates wrapped up with wire? It’s one of the ugliest costumes I’ve seen.

Jesus Christ, could you have Nineties any harder? I only had about half that dose and I still took years to get that hemp beanie off my head.

Please do not ever show anybody my “last tweet” any more than you’d show them my last shit. Who cares about such a thing.

The very second you present evidence of this, I will believe you. As it is, I’ve lived through the ‘80s and ‘90s so I have a health “uh, no” right now.

Apparently dinosaurs.

This could be the greatest thing ever made and I still won’t go anywhere near it. I am at maximum McFarland for the forseeable future. That fucking smirk....

Whenever the Purge isn’t onscreen, the other characters should as “Where’s the Purge at?”

That would be three words.

What if he just killed people? What if I didn’t need to know about his childhood or mortality and he was just a psycho in a mask who killed people? How about that?


For upon our backs have we unlicensed boxes of rough magic.

If you watched that gorgeous photography, the amazing acting, the sprawling sets and time pieces from different cultures, or just the hot lady fucking guys into her vagina, and thought this was “plodding,” I genuinely have no idea what to say. This property wasn’t for you?

Otherwise known as Stephen King’s Entire Thing.

Your brain has to be able to register shapes and sequence to have fun. Which becomes impossible at high speed full of smoke debris throwing field and then two huge things banging into each other while they turn into other huge things. It’s literally “SHAPES AND NOISE THE MOTION PICTURE AND SOMETIMES MARKY MARK”

Do these movies have any sort of coherent timeline? Does one movie actually flow into the other? I guess I thought it was...I don’t know, like six episodes of the same thing or something so far, but now they’ve always been here, which makes, what, the fourth time that’s happened now?