Java Jam Master Jay

But what’s the difference between speculative fiction and just fiction?

Once again: it is not the media’s job, nor has it ever been the media’s job, to overlook the flaws in your favorite candidate just because you view it as necessary for the greater good.”

Stewart, the architect of that stupid “rally to restore sanity” isn’t exactly the most incisive analyst out there. I would expect a lot of jokes about Biden’s age and pulling at his collar while mugging at the camera for the next 9 months. The vast majority of our media, at almost all levels, is a catastrophe.

Donald Trump isn’t an existential threat. He’s a known threat. If anyone votes for him at this point, it’s a vote for the continued destruction of America as an institution. And putting Joe Biden as the alternate choice is the Democrats giving every single person who hasn’t already made up their mind every reason they

I could see it spun as “We felt bad for normalizing Trump, so we may as well give a boost to his primary opponent.” But that would assume that even Lorne thinks that SNL is politically relevant anymore (and I don’t think he’s swinging for anything more than “Milquetoast Flavor, now with Populism!”).

8 billion people on the planet; more than 300m live in the US and yet about 10 of them are given 90 minutes of airtime each week on a comedy program. You’re one of the billions of folks who can’t manage to make people laugh on a live tv show - it’s sad, I know but don’t try to pull other people down because you have

Freedom of speech protects his right to be a bigot and a bully, and it protects our rights to call Dave Chappelle a piece of shit hack. Shit cuts both ways. 

Man, I used to write frame comparison stuff like this when I was deep into coke. Good times!

JFC, well here I am on a Monday morning feeling dumb AF.

And when I called him on it before, here was the response before he dismissed my comment:

I’ll never watch anything with Will Smith ever again. That’s how stupid After Earth was. I won’t get over After Earth. Please stop trying to push Will Smith. After Earth is irredeemable.

I’ll never watch anything with Will Smith ever again. That’s how stupid the slap was. I won’t get over the slap. Please stop trying to push Will Smith. The slap is irredeemable.

I’ll field this one:

One of these days I have to sit down and write the script for my body switching movie idea. It’s actually a time travel body switching movie.

She didn’t say she supports Hamas. She says she is against Palestinian civilians being killed which you appear to be very much in favor of.

If it’s laid anything bare, it’s that any criticism of Israel is branded as “antisemitic” in order to stifle Palestinian perpsectives, and has been for a long time.

You don’t know much about Vegas, only what the media shows you. Many people live there because of the cost of living (no state income tax being a big benefit) and many other reasons that have zero to do with the hospitality industry.

I like Nate. Maybe the only good thing to come out of the strike so far is getting to see him live out one of his dreams on SNL.

Again with this? I heard stories about Lee’s arrogance and cockiness decades before the movie was made. Tarantino didn’t make it up. The story the scene is loosely based on has also been out for years.

It’s always shocking to me how many people around me STILL don’t get Fight Club. I had a friend going “Tyler Durden was a cool guy with a cool point”, and if I head-desked any harder, I would’ve leveled the building.