
I wanted to like that, but the Sheeple stopped me. But yes, a million times yes, that is part of the problem with the patriarchy. I have a young son who doesn't fit gender norms. It makes life hard for him on many levels.

Ahh, "experience". The universal palliative for underpaying or not paying people.

Great article! Also, Madeleine, aren't you a little worried that you fucked around with the occult and now you're going to end up becoming soulmates with Katy Perry? I'd avoid cherry chapstick for the next 8-10 months if I were you.

sry i catfished you

Coach McGurk is just the tops.

I know, he is like Jeff Goldblum or Morgan Freeman, I just can't help but hear his voice in my head reading his words. But he will always be Coach McGurk in my heart!

This is such an obvious ploy to try and make these "sandals" more than warm-weather and specific occasion appropriate, therefore ripping more money out of the hands of honest consumers and it WILL NOT STAND.

Thank you guys so much...

Sorry, this is long, there are two break ups and they're not really bonkers or funny, but I just wanted to write them down.

I just got off the Reptophone with Supreme High Lizard Queen Elizabeth, and she wanted to tell me she found your post about the Miley Cyrus fake butt fiasco amusing and informative, so you get a pass on this one. But you're on thin ice.

Google Image search needs to have a warning process for shit like that. You click search and if the results are completely disgusting, a message pops up that says "ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS ONE? BECAUSE THERE IS SOME FUCKED UP SHIT HERE." And then you can decide if you want to proceed.

i want her shoes and also her everything for me

Paul and I are still besties. I was his best person at his wedding several years ago!

Sure! But only if their stance is actually forcing people to abort against their wishes. Which is not a thing I've ever heard a person say in my life. There is, however, a point of view in this debate that does try to force women to make a particular choice against their will...I forget what it's called...

Oh come on, this is so fake... that's why you never see her lower body in the shot. They're just trying to pull my leg with this shit.

Looking at the JLo picture, all I could think of was the "cuts of beef" drawing you see in Joy of Cooking, that explains which cut of meat comes from which part of the cow. OK!, you're a bunch of freaking cannibals.

Every now and then the universe comes together and provides us with the perfect image.

You mean this:
