Yours is definitely cool. I have the artistic abilities of a concussed lemming, so that just wasn't happening for me.
my favorite restaurant name is real. I've never eaten there, but seen it many times on the PA Turnpike: Park 'n' Eat. Pure genius. My sister and I had a list of spinoffs, like Stop 'n' Devour, Brake 'n' Barf, etc.
A one-time friend of mine —who I'm now pretty sure was in the midst of manic episode— got very upset with me when I dismissed his entirely earnest idea for a high end pirate food restaurant called Arr Matey's.
White people from Portland are the ultimate authorities on what yoga is really about.
What I find so scary about this incident and Elliot's connection to these PUA groups is that what he did is the logical end point of the Nice Guy™ ethos. Nice Guys™ go through life with this sense that their love is unrequited and that they are being under-appreciated, all while never actually indicating to the object…
Admittedly, it was the "poop" that made me larf.
People who give out Jesus pamphlets instead of tips will always stand out in my mind.
The Hive Vagina. You slay me. Bahaha
Don't pretend to be nice, just actually be kind.
Hive Vagina! Oh my god that's fabulous!!!
I don't buy this, mainly because I have never dated assholes or "bad boys" and neither have the vast majority of my friends. I don't know what, in particular, you are doing wrong, but it isn't being a nice, decent human being. In my experience, Nice Guys like you can fall into any number of categories, from…
Do you want to know why none of the women you have fancied have ever given you a chance? Because you are pathetic and don't deserve one. You think you're nice, but in reality, you're just as big of an asshole as the "neanderthals" your lady friends allegedly prefer. You want to know why? Because you befriend women on…
If you were "not up for consideration" as a boyfriend, it means that these women didn't want a relationship with you. Telling someone it's because "they're so nice" or "I just think of them as a friend" is a nice way of saying "I don't want sex or a romantic relationship from this person". The reason we use these…
Here's a blotter from Harry Fucking Potter! Comedy gold.
"I Wanna Play with an Otter with Harry Potter"
"I Wanna Attend my Alma Mater with Harry Potter"
"I Wanna Splash in Saltwater with Harry Potter"
"I Wanna Write a New Magna Carter with Harry Potter"
A thing of beauty is a joy forever...
it's this mindset that allowed an ex-friend to spread the rumor that I had an eating disorder, when in fact I had hyperthyroidism. but hey, thanks.
The world may never know. ;D ;D ;D