
Well it had some pretty regressive ideas regarding the trans community if you look back at it from 2017. It depends on how broad you like your comedy. It promised you a thing, and largely delivered that thing. They never lied to you.

The important question is whether or not the mechanical rhino birthing scene would have survived intact.

At the very least, it’s amazing producers resisted the urge to cut the last adaptation into two parts.

Also better roles for both Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan.

He invented Eskimo brothers!

Given he had three children by a very feminist wife by the time he wrote It, I think he had an idea of how women work. I think he was trying for something and missed the target.

That’s how I’m reading it. Especially when you consider the terminology that underpins the whole book. It, as an amorphous monster that terrorizes children and “it” as a euphemism for sex and sex as a bridge into adulthood, etc., etc. The children don’t understand sex, so it’s called “it”, they likewise don’t

I think the way it is defended as the literal act of childhood’s end (and as a way to escape from the dimension of imagination or whatever it is that only children can access) kind of makes sense in the context of the story, but it’s still a fucked up scene.

As recently as ‘Mr Mercedes’ (2014) and his most recent short story anthology (2015) I still had to wonder: has Stephen King ever actually spoken to a black person, ever?


If the point was to unify her into the existing group of already unified boys, you might have an argument. But somehow her having sex with each individual boy unifies the whole group? It somehow bring the boys together as well as her and the boys? How exactly is that supposed to work? “We all had sex with her, so we

I read It when I was ten or so, because I was a voracious reader and Stephen King was the only collection my mom had in the house.

Let’s face it, Stephen King’s not a great writer, period. And yeah, his sex scenes are pretty bad in general. He’s a great story teller and has one hell of an imagination, but his style is lacking, to say the least.

I read IT was when I was twelve as well, and the exact opposite occurred for me. I thought it was odd it made me uncomfortable. They all had a power that made them special and hers was screwing her friends. To this day I still love the book, but that whole scene was jarring and unnecessary.

I am super glad they aren’t featuring it in the film, as I don’t feel it’s necessary but I gotta confess to something: I was 12 when I first read IT and that scene didn’t bother me as much then as it does now. When I was 12, I shrugged and I was like ‘yeah, ok that makes sense if you think virginity is magic.’

I enjoyed his book “On Writing”, which is about his writing style and process. I don’t really enjoy the horror genre, and haven’t really liked most of what I’ve read of his other stuff. He does seem like a really nice human, as you say.

That is my all time favorite ICP line, and as you mention, they are always hilarious when they stop the rap to point out how batshit stupid a previous lyric was.

The quoted song does have an admittedly funny moment in “He’ll eat Monopoly and shit out Connect Four”, followed by them arguing over how stupid that line is. The song as a whole is grating and repetitive (shocking, innit?), but I did always like that bit.

No snark from me on this one. Go Juggalos.