
The problem is there are apparently people who miss the point and think Rick should be considered a role model be emulated. You would think his constant lack of happiness would be a guide.

He came along at a time when “movie geek” criticism was coming into its own on the Web, burbling up from Usenet newsgroups. His voice was among the first and the loudest, and was keyed into the 14-22 y.o. demo’s id — lots of references to orgasms and bowel movements, followed by “sincere” expressions of affection for

Knowles was pretty much the original “useful idiot” fanboy. Despite doing nothing but watch TV all day, he never developed any insight or improved his writing style. IT WAS JUST SCREAMING. . .followed by a pause to catch his breath from typing so hard...AND THEN MORE SCREAMING

After having seen what Harry looks like, now read his review of Blade II.

I remember he hated Toy Story 3 because he didn’t understand why someone would give their toys away just because they were going to college.

I think there is a certain personality type of fairly intelligent and perceptive person who goes through a phase in their life lasting maybe a decade, from about age 15 to age 25 or so, in which they realize that many people and many institutions of society are hypocritical and corrupt. But instead of continuing a

You are entitled to your wrong opinion. Mr. Meseeks is awesome.

They believe “SJWs” forced Harmon to hire women, and thus anything they dislike about this season is the fault of those women.

This has been the best season of Rick and Morty so far so way to go ladies.

Sounds like you’re saying, “Shit or get off the pot.”

I grew up in Colorado Springs. The city had it coming.

are you really that fucking gullible????

Right, because that really destroyed Hamilton and Rogue One.

Why isn’t there a Juggalandidate gathering signatures RIGHT FUCKING NOW to run against Kid Rock in Michigan. Be nice little act of bluff-call-ery. “Oh, you’ve got a self-consciously lowlife musical brand and now are running a self-consciously lowlife political campaign, huh? Heh. That’s cute.”

The Day the Clowns Cried (for Justice)

She’s been good in pretty much everything she does bar the X-Men films that aren’t First Class. Plus she’s not even 30 yet, she’s got a potentially long career ahead of her. Scarlett Johansson did about three good films out of the dozens she was in from 2004 to 2011, and I’d still call her a very good actress at her

Yes. Yes.

jewish. demiurge stuff.

The Shape of Water (fishmonster love story) doesn’t open this week. It was reviewed because it screened at TIFF.

I think she’s a very good actress. Like any actress though, she needs the right roles. She was very good in Joy despite that film being “poo”.