
Most likely they’re just more accustomed to being in front of the public eye, although I wonder if there’s an extent to which being on a dumber show helps everyone relax a bit more.

As much as I wanted Littlefinger killed I wasn’t entirely satisfied by how it was carried out. I know that it was fun justice to have the Starks come together on this one but I was really hoping he would get murdered by someone who was never part of his story. For all of his scheming and pitting the noble houses

I liked him as a villain you love to hate. Or at least a schemer who is entertaining in the way he skeeves everyone out. Happy for his downfall, but I really liked the performance, odd accent and all.

I made this comment back on one of the season 2 episodes, but when you think about it the dialog for season 1 was also terrible. Matthew Mcconaughey just did an exceptional job selling it. It could have been just as cringeworthy as Vince Vaughn’s monologs in season 2, in different hands.

Both Blue Ruin and Green Room are terrific, and Blue Ruin is way more interesting on a subtextual level. If nothing else, I hope we get more of that.

As the gone but not forgotten Zodiac Motherfucker would say, “BLUE RUIN OWNS. NOT OPTIONAL.”

Yeah, Blue Ruin all the way.

I’m still getting used to singling out Green Room as Saulnier’s defining movie. Green Room was good, but it was distinguished by how relentless it was in escalating the tension and violence. I think Blue Ruin showed more potential for a deliberate, considerate approach to violence that an episodic TV series like True

If you can watch this without wanting to kill yourself I applaud you.

I read that scientists have created a sixth kind of Becky in the laboratory by smashing two Beckies together at near light speed. The bad news is Becky-6 only exists for fractions of a second.

What does this have to do with the 5 types of ‘Becky’?

Arya. hated. Sansa. and. loved. Jon.

They’ve stated this explicitly and repeatedly in the books, they restate it in the show, it’s the characters George RR Martin wrote.

The only mistake is some fans keep wanting them to be nice buddy buddy sisters, but they aren’t and have never been in the lore. Arya became an even

my sense is that the Night King timed their movement to coincide with the arrival of winter.

If Fox News is unavailable, you can always simulate the viewing experience by shoving your head up your own ass. If you can hire a skinny blonde lady to hang out up in there, you will never even notice the difference!

Fox News screens in Australia on cable. It’s regarded as a fascinating freak show that gives an insight into a certain section of the American psyche, as well as serving as a place to steal ideas from for fringe right politicians and plagiarising right wing Aussie wannabe ‘broadcasters’.

FOLLOW ME! I’m tired of this Kinja shit.

Even if they did take TVs, who really cares? They’re most likely broken/damaged and will be tossed regardless. Maybe the insurance company, but fuck them.

Finale needs to be like the final scene of Angel

Sensational episode. I was enjoying the revival for pretty much the whole time, but the episodes from about 9 to 12 were severely testing ny patience at times. My confidence was gradually restored the last few episodes and this episode is the reward for sticking with it. Cooper is back! And damn if we don’t all love

When Audrey walked into the Roadhouse, I yelled at my TV “Eat that, Internet! It’s not a coma!”