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    @OX4: hmm I guess the LH messageboards don't take html symbols anymore.

    This is the coolest thing ever. I now have "#9835; Music" instead of just "Music."

    This is a joke right? There's no way this could be implemented in a real project. Edward Tufte's thoughts on PowerPoint comes to mind: squeezing information into simple, bite-sized pellets is dangerous. And it's insulting to your audience.

    Thanks for the amazon link. I love me some one penny relaxation.

    Yea I'm not really digging that either. If you never access those books back in the corner, then you should donate them. If you do access them, then you either have to crawl under the desk or move the whole set up. And the monitor is way to far away, unless you're running a resolution of 800x600. Why wouldn't you just

    I could use this. When I go on a run of watching ancient Charlatans UK videos I couldn't care less about everyone's comments, the various ads, and all the videos Google thinks I should be watching instead.

    Hm, neat but it doesn't seem to make a distinction between meats with nitrates/nitrites, and "organic" cold cuts without add preservatives. I would guess that without commercial preservatives, the storage time for cold cuts would go from about a week to a few days.

    @OX4: The Man, not The Ma....

    Ahh man, this brings back memories of Alta Vista mp3 searches, in the pre-Napster days. That's pre-Napster-getting-taken-down-by-The-Man days, to you youngins out there.

    I'd like to see a book/blog/site named "I Will Teach You To Be Content."

    Thanks for the tip!! I've always wanted one for my macro work.

    Cool but...that VLC traffic cone is ugly enough as it is, I don't want it for any other apps!

    Well, it doesn't matter how much better FF or Chrome are than IE, the fact remains that some of my sites simply won't open in FF. Most of my online finances require IE or at the very least IE Tab (which is a bit quirky sometimes for me). Not to mention the two offices I work in both use IE.

    How is listening in creepy? That was the norm when we were using answering machines!

    Thanks a lot for the tutorial, this is great. I've been waiting for this for a long time. In fact, this worked a little too great...I just retrieved over 200 emails that were sitting in my Hotmail account! sigh, and I had just cleaned up most of my gmail Inbox.

    Ha Ha! Dan sure is dumb for not having money!