Yes because every time the fucking yahoos have gone into another nation (without declaration which is in breach of international law) it’s turned out so fucking well.
Yes because every time the fucking yahoos have gone into another nation (without declaration which is in breach of international law) it’s turned out so fucking well.
Ugh. “Influencers.” Influencers are people who have turned away from existence, and toward the acting out of an idea of existence by the shilling of stage props while looking shiny.
Are you sure that wasn’t a viciouscycle class?
My first car, a 1982 Plymouth Reliant wagon. It was uncool in most imaginable ways, not engaging or great to drive, pretty damn slow, and needed repairs fairly frequently.
As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.
The vast majority of Pewdiepie’s fans are children. And children are stupid. They’re not emotionally mature enough to fully grasp nuance or context. They see Jacksepticeye criticizing his actions while also voicing support, and all they understand is “Jacksepticeye talked shit about Pewdiepie.” They can’t see how…
You and I have a very different idea of actual work. You know who’s doing actual work? Plumbers, electricians, and shop techs. Everything else is bougie window dressing. Eat me.
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lol for real. It will probably be a pretty short book. I can write it for them:
Hopefully she doesn’t and you can all stop blaming those things that barely mattered.
What about the E12 and E28?
She should stop being such a fucking idiot then. Might help.
I thought we called it Takata Airbag
“Who in the hell is this Democrat-come-lately to scold Democrats on all they’ve done wrong?”
Sounds like someone has been watching a lot of CSI and 24, Homeland, but- sadly, not paying attention to recent history (say from 2001 to today).
A true Stone Roses fan wouldnt be no clown, wouldnt back down!
This argument is losing steam. The Dems are just as bad as the GOP once you get down to brass tacks. Yes, I totally agree that for social issues, the Dems have targeted a specific set of social issues to get votes from a specific coalition of voters. The actual candidates don’t really care one way or the other....…
You see the problem is they skipped “Rabbit removal service I” so that will have to be done before “Rabbit removal service II” at the cost of an additional $2350.
Did the damage to the i3 improve the overall look of the vehicle?