
No entry for Pandolvians. Next!

Just a reminder that Florida seems to have a disproportionate number of fuckups because of the way the police there make arrests public.

That’s from a BBC comedy from 2004 “tomorrow’s world”, and here you are passing it off as real.

This car is pretty obviously a Chinese money laundering scheme more than it is a car. It’s like one of those restaurants you notice by your house that has mediocre food and is super expensive.

I’m certain it’s because the episode concludes with it crashing into a building, which is probably not an image they wanted to associate with the actual space shuttle, considering challenger and just the optics of it.

If our tax dollars can pay to develop a jet for thirty fucking years that’s still not operational, they should be available to fund any experimental treatment a sick child needs. The fact that there’s enough bozos with influence that would dispute this is pretty damning. I’ve lived here for a long time, and I’ve seen

I don’t recall agreeing to debate anyone, you freshman-level rhetorical fuckwit. Go debate the fish in a river.

Lol get fucked you deceitful little toad

I’m stating the obvious, but it’s so incredibly, utterly fucked up that it’s normal for people to have to sell their belongingsand beg strangers for money just to get treatment for their sick children. This is not the sign of a civilized society.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

There is the kind of person who has an internal moral compass and can answer to themselves, and then there’s you.

Whatever kiddies are mewling about how you techinically could have done it are dummies, fantasizing about being scum in a scenario they weren’t privy to. Being able to sleep at night knowing you’re the kind of person who doesn’t the right thing is worth at least a superbird and gullwing Mercedes.

Tell me why I should read your entire comment instead of just telling you to fuck off and go whine to yo momma.

Not really accurate, but I guess the guy is amusing?

Well, mine was a throwaway point, but suit yourself. Lost in exurbia

There’s a certain type of couple that gets gripped with “suburban mania” where they lose their minds over some petty dispute and with it all sense of perspective. It’s a curious phenomenon that I’ve seen in many news stories.

My startup is way ahead of the curve on this with our patented handgun tired to a balloon. Cheaper and more widely deployable, it will save countless lives and brighten children’s day.

Whether that happened or not (I doubt a government official would be so frank with anyone, let alone Yeltsin), his decision to divide the Soviet Union had more to do with preserving the status and money of the local elites (local to the republics) and the failure of the CIS negotiations. .

Because they hate themselves, like everyone who follows food trends to fill the void in their bougie soul.

Except that story is complete bs, and it should be obvious if you actually read it back to yourself and think for two seconds.