The world would be quite different if 20 minutes watching Youtube could actually change your life.
The world would be quite different if 20 minutes watching Youtube could actually change your life.
The Nissan X-Trail is famous for being a car that was made by Nissan and called the X-Trail. Let’s look at some…
In general I find it pretty hard to take any company, but especially an automotive one, seriously when they’re still using booth babes in 2015. Hire people to work your booth sure...but matching blondes in crop tops with belly-button rings feels a bit last decade...and, you know, sexist.
Yes, it is, but prepare to be eviscerated on Jezebel for daring to speak this obvious truth. Also prepare to have the insult “TERF” laid upon you, thereby making you an object, and OK to attack in obscene and ad hominem verbiage. You CANNOT tell these women that we realised like 40 years ago that all porn is bad for…
A few months ago, there was a really strong and strange (to me) critique of the movie Hot Girls Wanted for shining a light on an aspect of the porn industry that is very woman un-friendly. The article read to me like it was accusing the documentary producers of taking a hardline, anti-porn stand, which I don’t think…
YAAAAH..... OH wait...... Crowd funding... That was my exact reaction. Seeing their track record is kinda sketchy in this department. Broken Age was just okay and that abandoned space base sim dose not inspire confidence in Double Fine.
Hmmm, should I believe someone who actually owned one and back away from imminent disaster or blindly believe everything Captain Clickbait says I should do in his infantile articles and empty my checkbook? There is a reason these once six-figure cars are so cheap. Even the people that could afford to buy them new cant…
Doesn’t matter.
A true bourgeoisie tragedy.
Fat Hatch?
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Letters to Doug, a weekly Jalopnik column where Doug sifts…
Chappaqua gurls
We’re unforgettable
Starched pants suits, coiffed on top
They aren’t really sources. In order to actually figure out the finer details of these things (or anything in Russia’s defense industry) you have to talk to the people involved. I’m on forums with people that routinely attend things like MAKS and do walkarounds of the planes and take pictures, etc. So my encyclopedic…
Because sadly over the last few years size has become one of those elements that, just like graphics, are really easy to sell.
You can stand there talking for half an hour about how your are really focusing on the level design and creating more complex and fun locations and you will probably get a less excited reaction…
...and remands the case to the Kirkland Municipal Court
One other thing. Wanna know why car manufacturers are using it in such volume? Two reasons actually. You hit the nail on the head with the “upscale factor”. The other reason quite honestly is it does not wear well. Manufacturers WANT your car to become tatty and worn looking quickly so you will go and buy a new one.…
I don’t know. I can be suede either way.