
I have good news for you! Kind of, sure, but I’m absolutely not stereotypically hot (OMG FAT EW) and got rejected a LOT but if you figure you get rejected 99% of the time and 1% of the time you go on a date with someone, you just have to expand that 1%. That was my philosophy when dating and sure, I dated a lot of

Yep, that was my experience. Dudes love to be desired given how many of their messages are never even replied to.

That Stevie Wonder isn’t actually blind.

The original Jezebel report calls Ashley Graham a “body activist.” At what point is that patronizing? Like, isn’t she pretty much just a woman with a body and the audacity to believe she deserves opportunities?

She looks the exact same age in both photos, but in general losing twelve pounds is not going to make most adults over 30 look younger. Losing a massive amount of weight (not 12 lbs) will generally make you look older, though.

The top one with the Cher hair? She kind of looks less human and more like one of those ‘real dolls’. I think it’s the vacant Stepford (lack of) expression.

Not at all snark (she looks great) but if I’d seen that instagram post by itself I would have thought that was Lady Gaga. She looks crazy similar in that photo.

Call me old fashioned, but if my boyfriend went on Instagram and said something about me that included the phrase, “The pussy good. . .” I would like to think I’d immediately dump him.

He looks like an even more (emotionally) deflated California Raisin

For real though.

Their intense twin faces creep me out as they sing directly into the camera. I don't think I will ever able to look at their show again. It was a mindless exercise but now I may get creeped out.

I also fucking love the Property Brothers, but when they “debuted” a song on one of their many shows (the ranch makeover one) I only made it about 3 bars in before changing the channel. I was so embarrassed for them I couldn’t handle it.

I like a man who is handy around the house.

Oh my god they’re such aggressively boring-looking white dudes. I honestly think that stubble is spray-painted on.

Something tells me that people who listen to today’s country music are going to eat this shit up like candy.

I didn’t listen so that the carpenter one can still get it.

This gif is....oddly mesmerizing.

That’s weird, I always thought Kate Moss had a lot of experience with fresh powder.

So you’re saying you made a well thought out, reasonable decision about your health and your body; the people responsible for it did not judge or subject you to their personal bias; and your supportive partner was there for you and cared for you before, during and after.

“Yeezus, can you just give it a west already” said Taylor, swiftly.