
Witcher 3 has better writing in a single sentence then the entire plot of Fallout 4. Witcher 3’s combat and controls were only bad if you were a casual scrub with to many family issues.

Sorry the way you write I just saw the important parts. Buggy, terrible controls, incredibly dull combat and variety, repetitive side quests. All can be said of FO4.

I thought you were talking about Fallout 4 until you got to DLC.

For me, the only thing I think should have beat Fallout 4 was The Witcher 3, so I’m not at all disappointed, I marvel at how ridiculously well-made The Witcher 3 is.

No, we just don’t like a classic character changed to be someone who Marvel shoehorns into anything they can.

Im curious what the counterpoint you have to it is. I also see it reads like an advertisement over a review, what are your thoughts? Perhaps something other than a knee jerk insult would be preferable.

he right though. This is how the whole bethesda thing began

Between Kotaku and io9 gushing over Marvel’s new direction, I can’t believe this is honest. It reeks of native advertising. If you’re going to “review” something 2 days before it’s released, I’d at least disclose your early source.

I see someone reads Roger Zelazny.

That’s exactly my problem with it all. More female heroes is great! However the fact that they’re just taking established heroes and gender swapping them makes it incredibly lazy and dumb. There’s already lack new, interesting heroes. Why they can’t just create brand new heroes is beyond me.

Oh, you speak for all women now? Wonderful.

That’s the problem. X23 made a fantastic X23. Now she is a second best Wolverine.

I have no problem with many female heroes. What I hate is that they take already existing male Superhero and just make them female, instead of inventing new female Superheroes. That’s just lazy.

Gender swap. Such refreshingly different. Much orginal change. Not wow at all, actually.

ugh, every single hero has to be female now.