“(World Cup revenues don’t factor in here, as those are set by FIFA.)“
“(World Cup revenues don’t factor in here, as those are set by FIFA.)“
Wow with the LoL bias. Dota has paid out 4x as much as LoL this year, not sure why you're using a guy as your 'outlier' who doesn't even crack the top 25 in esports earnings (and *barely* makes top 50). It just struck me as really odd given the theme of the article.
I gotcha. Yeah paid content of some sort is needed to keep them update the game, but I think they could easily make it work with cosmetics.
They could make a ton of money purely on monetized skins and cosmetics without ever charging a cent for gameplay. I don't know why people seem to assume it's an unsustainable business model despite it currently being a thing that exists and has been successful in both Dota and Smite.
Fallout 4 has a 5.4 user rating on metacritic, it’s not even universally thought to be good much less the best game of the year.
Green Lantern and Flash represent two tier one heroes, both of which have a legacy that involves passing the mantle (and in one of those previous cases it did involve a skin tone change). I disagree with your assertion that any of those changes are equivalent to what we're seeing now; Many heroes may have been…
Well for one, I can’t think of an example where so many tier 1 heroes were replaced in nearly the same way at the same time. If at any time a half dozen or more much loved heroes were replaced in their primary print runs by humanoid bear versions, I can guarantee you’d have a bunch of people complaining about ‘another…
I don’t think people would complain nearly as much (though some still would) if Marvel was introducing entirely new marquee heroes intended to diversify their roster. Heck, taking one or two old favorites and changing up the gender/race dynamic to explore how that changes all the old endlessly rehashed plot lines is…