
And bought a cybertruck.

Oh, great, the release cable can only be expected to work once. As if you have a problem with the cable/plug, it will only happen once.

Tradiotnal OEM’s don’t have a lot of unsold inventory as once it is wholesaled to the dealer, it is no longer on the OEM’s books as it has been “bought” by the dealer. I am sure there is some and if dealers would start to turn down allocations it would/could hapen.

Not insane at all; the people buying them these days spend 10s of thousands of dollars supporting an overt fascist, and are perfectly fine with it, as he is being a fascist in public. That excuse of yours does not work anymore.

Owning a Tesla has come very close to being synonymous to wearing a certain red hat in public. Also red hats hate electric cars.

Don’t forget Tesla doesn’t have the massive army of dealers where they can just dump their inventory. The direct sales feature works great until you lose discipline around matching production to demand.

I’ve said before that Tesla’s biggest advantage was the Supercharger network, but since that’s been opened up to anyone, people who want an EV are no longer funneled to Tesla.

For a commute like yours a scooter is more practical with actual storage. In my option a scooter will put a smile on your face like a grom (but many fragile male ego’s will disagree).

you said the same thing 3 times in a row.

Of all the things annoying about this guy, it’s the ‘nice try Buttercup’ that gets me the most.  May your CT be plagued by all of the common issues

I heard the passenger, rear tire was +2 psi over the other 3.  That’ll do it every time. 

In that the Lightning looks like a truck while the CT looks like something that the Colonial Marines would pile out of for another bug-hunt before getting their asses kicked and then it’s game over, man, game over.

As a transwoman I want a Trans-Am with the Trans Flag flying so I can make the bigoted idiots upset.

Air pressure. Amiright?

The messaging around the Cybertruck making it appear to be the most truck that ever trucked in the history of trucks has set it up for so many viral failures.

The cybertruck missed a shift. It happens to the best of us. 

Something something Subaru.

You’re thinking way too hard. Musk isn’t playing 3D chess. He got mad at someone telling him no and fired her entire department as a warning to others to never say no to him.

Not my kind of car, not my kind of money but I would have to agree.

We knew she was going to lose the arm. And doing this way was to underline how Dementus took everything from her and that she sacrificed this last thing for revenge. This was her fall into letting vengeance consume her. Until she chose the one last seed of hope instead.