
Pretty simple in my case. Miata Is Always The Answer... unless it’s going to be your only vehicle and you need the ability to occasionally haul STUFF in your car. So the BRZ was the most Miata-esque thing I could find that didn’t seem like a COMPLETE compromise that would have me needing to rent a car every time I

It’s actually a safety thing. When the car is off, the high-voltage traction battery is completely isolated from the car (and after a crash as well). So in order to connect it, there needs to be a low voltage battery to throw a big-ass relay. And here we are.

Mercedes is an actual car manufacturer with years and years of experience building high quality cars.. 

This sounds like a HUGE design flaw.

Arizona heat is no joke when it comes to car batteries. One day the batt in my everyday car was fine, the next it was dead as Trump’s brain. It was a 36 mo. batt that lasted 38 months, so yes, I’d be diligent about proactively replacing the battery if I owned a Tesla (which I never will--eff that fascist).

The child was lucky it wasn’t a Cybertruck. Firefighters would be no match for its indestructible body and bulletproof glass.

It baffles me how a vehicle designed to hold 90 plus kwh of electricity in it’s battery pack cannot keep a 12 volt battery topped off. 

I can only imagine that after everything that happened with Mitch McConnell’s sister in law, his family is now only 99.5% confident in Tesla, obviously a huge jump down from the 100% they had before.

Ya, maybe a small metal stick, with unique profile that only matches a special hole on the car. You could carry it in your pocket, just in case.

The key to developing such a system is to have an open mind. 

If only someone would invent switches to control things.

Dead 12V battery AND a borked window?

The link associated with the word “complicated” is one of the rare ones on a current-era Jalopnik article that actually links to something relevant: https://jalopnik.com/viral-tiktok-video-shows-how-complicated-it-is-to-jumps-1851169346

If only there was a way to open a lock without electricity...

“As for Sanchez and her Tesla, she says she’s a fan of the brand, but told AZ Family that this latest episode has shaken her faith.”

Completely and utterly fucked. Sideways. With a chainsaw, most likely.

It can only be a thing if people allow themselves to be influenced by these idiots.

That is a thousand times worse. It is actually painful to look at.

I was there, youngling, when the first AD&D books were published.   Even back then there was a staggered release date.  

In this truck’s defense, lots of things might appear shorter than advertised, but the key is knowing where to measure from. I’d think many Cybertruck owners know what I’m getting at.