Read on, My Murderous Bovine Friend...
Read on, My Murderous Bovine Friend...
Yeah, that would be high, but the town says they’re half that. Considering this guy’s comments (and what he did), I’m thinking they’re half that.
I know this is a small point given what’s going on in this town, but public officials often incorrectly think they cannot discuss what happens in “executive session,” which is closed to the public.
Car accidents without car seats, gun violence, child abuse, and drowning.
Easy there, Cone. I was agreeing with you. I was emphasizing what you said. Jesus H.
Yeah, I think a lot of people are inferring what wasn’t implied. She was just identifying herself. It’s just descriptive, not pejorative. Kids these days.
Not being sarcastic with this question, but can you help me understand what you mean with “the media.” I think this is such a broad brush. Are you talking about social media? Or the slanted (typically television) media pundits or are you actually referring to journalists who are trying to objectively report stuff that…
Instead it was all about who can sound more self-righteous than the next.
ha! As Cyrano would say is that the best you can do? You could have said so many more clever things. But ad hominem is as ad hominem does. Resorting to the F-bombs proves you’re overmatched, bro. Just let it go.
“King’s” should be lowercase.
No, you’re wrong. It’s ridiculous. But I’m sure you’ll reply with a few hundred words more about how someone stole something from someone before I was born. Why? Because you’re ridiculous and you’re just going to keep on proving it.
That is why stylebooks matter with written prose. It’s not about agree or disagree. If you have a style (Jalopnik’s could be to use “an historic”) and you adhere to it consistently, there’s no confusion. AP says “a historic.”
If they’re following AP Style, it’s not correct. (not sure that’s what Jalopnik uses, but I believe it’s AP looking at the site way too frequently).
Nope. I saw that too.
The oil influence is certainly something to consider in this, and I don’t think I’ve read any reporting or analysis that has looked into it. I’ll keep a look out.
The New York Times has some good reporting on this. One analysis, and it’s backed up pretty well by how things unfolded, indicates that a lot of these things were back channeled long before Guaido used the provision in the Venezuelan constitution to declare himself president.
It may or may not be relevant. Burger King hasn’t said why it went back on the agreement. It’s possible this was the reason, but no one knows yet. Good for the reporter for giving readers the facts. As a reader, I can make up my own mind about relevance, but only if I actually have the information.
Also, the payoff is going to be really slow and require patience. Many of the Tesla charging stations I’ve seen have no cars in them or just one. I always figured it was done to combat the running out of juice fear and take away a reason not to buy one.
Michigan wasn’t in the college football playoffs .... so this comment feels a little tu quoque.
Hahahaha! That’s awesome. Nicely played.