
Made me think of the Twilight Zone episode and “He who walks behind the rows” from Stephen King’s Children of the CORN.

Your reporting seems to be on target, but I believe you’re ignoring some of the context, including some of the push back by S.C. business leaders such as the S.C. Chamber of Commerce. Here’s a link I got from Google.

Great post! I travel frequently and often resist the urge to order the breakfast even though I’m not paying. But when I do I am absolutely up when that door knock comes. I’m all in from now on. 

I’m sure they yelled “Duuuuuuuuuvaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllll!” after throwing the punch.

Ha, okay, man. Have it your way. We both know you just said exactly what I did with more words. You might have meant something different, but the words are the synonymous; that is, they carry the same meaning or nearly the same meaning.

I like twitch when a new game comes out (or an old game catches my attention), and I want to see some real, in-game play. I’m over 50 and have the twitch app on my smartphone, so whatever y’all think about Gen X, I probably break that curve. ha!

Random and arbitrary are synonyms.

There is a difference in being a sole proprietor and working for a company as an employee — I’ve done both. Even in right-to-work states, there are several avenues of protection for workers. But once you decide to become your own small business, there’s more risk involved with the idea that the potential for reward som

Don’t disagree with you on the dress code.

So are you suggesting different rules for new mothers (don’t even know what to do with the “cultural differences” since one could argue the culture is professional tennis) as opposed to those who don’t have children or whose children are older? Or are you saying you think that the judge could have been more

You mean “imply,” and I inferred that his post was sarcasm.

That is not, never has been, and never will be the logic.

Speaking of multiple readings, I found that to be true for The Great Gatsby.

That’s a feature. 

Nailed it.

These stories never get old.

I couldn’t type that fast enough ... Never underestimate the power of having to catch ’em all. I do believe they’re rolling out things strategically, and I’ve hugely enjoyed their indie catalog. Lots of stuff showing up on the eShop.

hA! Nice Al Gore reference.

Engine braking. That’s what it reminded me of. I deploy that daily in my WRX. I could see this being cool and clearly functional in recharging the battery.