Owen O'Hagan

Considering how uneven this season was…this was actually a great finale that finally solved a lot of its problems. Stephanie was a brilliant character who will be missed!! I thought Meredith telling Riggs about Megan was actually really well done and heartbreaking in a way and COULD be really interesting next season

These last few episodes have improved a lot! I'm glad they are taking their time with Meredith moving on from Derek, it may be repetitious but it's realistic!! I just like having Maggie, Amelia and Meredith all being around each other again, feels like season 12 again!!
Stephanie is a great character and is going to be

I actually thought this was the best episode in a long time! At least storylines FINALLY seem to be going somewhere

I know the actress playing Amelia just had a baby which is why this silly Amelia locking herself at Stephanie's storyline is happening… but is Ellen Pompeo as Meredith doing something else too? She hasn't appeared much recently and her getting suspended made no sense. I feel like problems with casting are affecting

This was fine I guess. But it advanced the story in no way and was disappointing especially considering we've been without the show for two months.
I like Bailey, Arizona and Jo but really!?? Couldn't we have just jumped back to Grey-Sloan and seen all the characters.
Just feels like the writers are wasting time!!

Best episode of the season 👍

This season has been disappointing! Alex has been the star so far, without doubt. Mainly cos I think his storyline has been the most consistent!
Meredith has barely been seen..whyyyy? She is the best part of the show. Her romance with Riggs seemingly dropped!??
No one cares about Owen and Amelia when they're being

Not enough Meredith!! Too much Amelia/Owen fighting and just not really that exciting. They're gonna have to do something reaaaallly good to make this season better cos right now it's zzzzzzz

it makes me sad but this season is kind of boring……

Last season was like the best in ages but this season isn't comparing really…Riggs and Meredith have great chemistry…Maggie is a great, funny character…just end the weird, soapy, teenagy, frustrating love triangle alreadyyyy and give them all new storylines!!

aw sad not to be getting weekly reviews - really enjoyed them last year! :(
I do really like Maggie, but this episode did kinda make me agree with the haters. Mainly because we all love Meredith and Alex so we're bound to hate the person going against them. And why didn't Maggie take into account that

'You're probably going to see my vagina, which might be weird' was the best line of the episode, haha. And while I thought the whole idea of Ben having to deliver the baby was contrived and silly, I'm glad it's healthy and April and Jackson are happy.
I loved the sisters scenes - Meredith especially rocked this episode

the feelings from that Sansa/Jon reunion prove how good this show is!

Oooo thing's just got interesting for the finale!!
So…Jo says no to Alex…anyone else get some weird vibe that maybe she's already married!?? Like i think she loves him so the way she said 'I can't' was strange. That would be quite a twist.
And finally a Meredith/Riggs hook-up. I agree that maybe it hasn't been built

If you'd have asked me back in series five how The Good Wife would end…this wouldn't be it. But I guess now after series six and seven, which I agree lost a lot of the magic of the show, we shouldn't be surprised.
Mainly I think I was just underwhelmed. This show has created some of the best drama, best characters on

I know it's a drama, and we need things to be exciting, but I think they just need to keep Owen and Amelia together and happy from now on. Let's see them be together and actually work through their problems which will make this all less deja-vu! Mainly though, I just rewatched series 5 when Owen first arrives and gets

also…for some reason all season I've been thinking that Callie is getting less to do…the actress someone how feels less invested in the role?? maybe this is a set up for Callie to leave with Penny and leave the show!?

'At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised if next week we learn Riggs was actually the one flying the helicopter.'
This actually made me laugh out loud! They are being sooooo slow in revealing information about Megan that it's just dumb. I know Megan is probably gonna turn up any day now, let's just hope she manages to

Yeah I agree, filler! Riggs and Owen shouting in corridors is getting reaaaaaally boring and I wish they didn't drag Meredith into the boringness. It makes me hate both of them.
I quite like Penny. I loved her 'mic drop' too, haha. And I kind of hated how her victory in getting the grant was taken over by Jo and

yep. all true!!