Owen O'Hagan

I think this finale kinda summed up this whole sixth season if the show…fine, but that's about it.
I wanted emotional scenes, and a big shock to shakes things up! Instead it was all kind of predictable and empty.
Yeah it was sad when Fiona found out about Sean…but I wanted more from her! Punch someone! Get angry!!

Even though the 'thank you' to an 'I love you' is sooo overdone on TV, I liked how we finally got to see more of Callie and Penny! And Sofia was big, wasn't she? I always like moments like that show us time has moved forward.
Loved how the episode brough the three sisters together again - that's what made the first few

also.. the promo for next week! what is everyone worrying might happen? cos it will totally just be misleading….

I did think the Jackson and April drama was getting old but I agree that the ending argument gave a whole new element to it all. There has never really been this much agression between them before so I'm actually interested to see how this plays out…
I liked how Arizona's guilt was worked into the episode and wasn't

I LOVE this show. I kind of hated this episode..it felt boring, using story threads already overdone (eli and the disabled toilet, Mike Tascioni and his dog…) and totally agree that the Everybody Hurts song moment was cringey…
But mainly I'd say it felt forced. Nothing feels natural. I feel like the writers are shoving

I'm also very glad the show is putting an end to the Jo hates Meredith thing. It's been going on way too long and so hopefully now there will be less of a reason for Jo to pull away from Alex!?
I actually really enjoyed the pairing of Penny and Amelia here too. It's showing growth for both characters, espeicllay Amelia

It's kind of cool that Meredith felt ready to give Thorpe her number but then really why introduce a new love interest, when Riggs has potential at the hosiptal? It's not like Thorpe was really likable or different or anything. There was no reason as to why Meredith would think…yeah okay, this can be the next guy

I love AV Club and I love Grey's!! If you start weekly reviews i will be happyyyyyy.