
Look better then the Apple watch .... But I still like real watches much way more .

cilantro is awesome

New iPod:
4” screen
Regular home button
Up to 40 hours audio playback

Aren’t they being investigated for that very thing?

Wait until you see the toilets!

Seems it would be easier, what with the seats folding out of the way when you stand up.

Vernor Vinge, True Names and the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier. Vinge doesn’t have the noir sensibility that you see in so-called true cyberpunk; he’s too gushy to be gritty. But it’s still an important and seminal text from a writer who has continued to get better.

I didn’t think anyone forgot the Rape of Nanjiang or the endless atrocities inflicted on civilian populations.

My grandfather fought the Japanese in the Philippines. Bataan, malaria, scorpions, etc. Horrific maltreatment and death on a daily basis. I am well aware of the evil they were capable of.

I didn’t think anyone forgot the Rape of Nanjiang or the endless atrocities inflicted on civilian populations. Maybe the impact is not as culturally resonant in the United States, but Southeast Asia? They all remember. I had a Korean buddy whose grandma was horrified his parents owned a Sony television and bought him

People need to become more aware of the horrors Japan inflicted and stop being so selective about what t happened in the War. At the same time,they also need to remember the heroes public opinion has chosen to ignore,such as 442nd Regiment of Japanese American soldiers or the heroes of the French Foreign Legion whom

You have to, the whole instrument cluster is a huge screen, but there is no screen in the middle as most cars have today. But you can customize the system in pretty much any way you want, I kinda liked it, not sure how distracting it can be. Maybe it is in the satellite view.

It looks like $800 with a 14-42mm kit lens. I have not seen a body-only price on this yet.

It looks like $800 with a 14-42mm kit lens. I have not seen a body-only price on this yet.

It looks like $800 with a 14-42mm kit lens. I have not seen a body-only price on this yet.

It looks like $800 with a 14-42mm kit lens. I have not seen a body-only price on this yet.

Quantum teleportation can be a bitch.

I’m gonna say it... Many Bothan’s died to give us this video...