
Looking forward to more posts!

Where did you eat in DC? I used to live there for 8+ years. I don’t miss that traffic one bit.

I hope this wireless service isn’t like “Kingsman”.

It's not BMW, but it is the dealership itself. When I was in my late 20's, I was looking for an older Mercedes. Found one at a local Mercedes dealership (that also was a Pontiac and Olds dealer). Went inside to see if I could get some help, stood around, walked around an AMG on the sale floor, no one came out.

More like House of Nightmares, amirite?

This was the best exchange I've seen in WEEKS.

You beat me to it omg.

I won't tell you how to, but may I recommend in the butt?

"Are we not doing "phrasing" anymore? Which, whatever, that's fine, but if we're doing something new and no one told me, THAT I'd have a problem with!" -archer

I'm a regular grammar-Nazi, but you win! Nicely done!

If you zoom back just enough you get ......omg its Jesus

Maybe he meant "crappie" paper?

Not yet it doesn't. Remember: Daniel LaRusso didn't get it right at first, either. It's just a matter of time before Skynet's robot army of face-kickers is marching across this land.

heck, the thing is even helped balance from an attached loop on it's "head" that is attached via a connecting link to a support chain. pretty sure we don't need to worry about ninja robots for a few more years yet.... ;) 🔚

Since I bought my car from someone who had a side career as an S&M porn clown (also marriage counselor, meeting facilitator and DJ) I would say clean out the interior really well. Then clean it again.

For firing missiles and dropping chaff.

Star Wars: Gungan Genocide

I would rather they leave Carrey out of it and focus on the kids like they do in the books.

I hate to white knight Madge, but, having been through a similar situation, sometimes you just have to stop trying to fix someone's life. That doesn't mean you stop caring.

significant chance of harboring life.