
Do you have any idea how many women’s lives and careers have been ruined just by someone’s words alone without a single shred of proof? Sucks that it can now happen to men too, doesn’t it?

And Ruth Wilson is my favorite Jane Eyre. I love her quirky face!

Have you seen About Time ? Watched it over and over.

I just saw him in the Peter Rabbit movie and was awed by him doing classic physical comedy! Bill Weasley ftw

Dude is in, like, every movie these days. I like him but I’m befuddled by his seeming ubiquity.


He’s very charismatic and charming! I haven’t even seen CMBYN but I adore him after reading interviews he’s done.


This would be perfect in a TBS lineup paired with something like People of Earth.

But... but... what about The Last Man On Earth????? :’-(

I am so hoping Hulu or Netflix picks it up. It’s one of my few contemporary happy shows.

Otterpops are so good you guys. SO much better than Flavor-ice. I’m sad I have such a teeny freezer.

Absolutely. JC always the hottest. Timberlake stole JC’s rightful career by being gregarious goofy. And everyone bought it. But some of us knew better all along.

Right? I usually despise long hair, but those luscious locks are giving me feelings.

I didn’t understand the appeal of JC as a kid. As a grown ass woman I am like DAMN HE IS FIIIIINE.

I don’t get the hate. When I saw his hair I was super envious. Its got volume, its thick, and those are some great waves. Men with good hair should grow it out and bless the world with the awesomeness.

I agree. It’s giving him a very guy-from-my-big-fat-greek-wedding-who-wasn’t-greek-that-the-greek-woman-marries look. I approve.

He was, yes.

Yeah, not sure if I’ve always had a hidden thing for Snape or what but I definitely don’t mind the hair here.

You used to be able to fire cops for shoplifting? You can’t even fire them today for murder.