User name’s not wrong.
User name’s not wrong.
MY GOD does that new format suck!!!
You mean like Hillary did? It was a great moment.
I see the resident rape apologist is out and already starred. Fantastic. Here’s why I don’t buy that men “don’t understand what’s going on with women”: because it’s bullshit. There have been multiple studies that have proven over and over again that men do understand body language and non-verbal cues, they just choose…
I was really disappointed by the movie. It wasn’t bad per se, but it was boring. I expected a lot more. I love del Toro but this movie is overrated and not even close to his best.
It’ll be infuriating. He has every flaw leftists said made Hillary untenable times 100 and they won’t have nearly the same amount of bile for him.
This is controversial, but I think if Democrats dropped their stance as the abortion party, then they’d have literally zero issue winning elections. Dunno if that’s the right thing to do, but I am positive it would work.
$25 is too high. Looking at comparable institutions: The Louvre is €8.50 (~$11.00) and the Prado is €9.50 (~$12.00) for adults.
It doesn’t happen to you because y’all are the ones doing it to us. I refuse to believe that you went your entire life without a woman in your life telling you that she once felt unsafe, threatened or scared of another man. Quit the scapegoating.
One of the underrated horrors of modern politics is being forced to imagine these old geezers fucking.
He literally seems to think that the women around him are there to bear his children, which fits well with his politics.
expecting not to be assaulted when you are alone with another human being is being “coddled”? what kind of perverse thinking is this? i don’t have to words to express how appalled i am at your comments.
Matt Lauer’s firing was about as expected as Donald Trump’s incompetence. Figuring out who sexually harasses women isn’t very difficult to predict. Lauer consistently gave Trump and O’Reilly a pass on their shitty behavior while grilling HRC about emails and telling her to keep her answers brief.
*to the tune of “Be Our Guest”*
who among us doesn’t weep every time he kisses her at casino night... or tells her he’s in love with her... or proposes in the rain at the gas station?
I’m American and we always had “Santa presents” and then also family presents. Usually the Santa present was the one bigger/more expensive item we had asked for (Which, don’t get me wrong, was still modest as my parents were generally on a pretty tight budget—but it didn’t feel that way when we were kids). I think…
I believe his accusers, now that there are accusers.
so, so, so NOT BINGO. everyone is running to defend themselves for plugging their ears and not showing one shred of doubt where there was damn good reason to be suspicious. TEAM JEZEBEL ALL THE WAY ON THIS ONE.
No, men are not left in a Catch 22. Leave people alone. Men don’t “get” women, that implies ownership and that’s exactly what encourages these types of behaviors. And where are you getting this pseudo-statistic that “a lot of women love that type of attention”? Thats gross and wholly untrue.