
Bay Area, and I have an active distrust for men who describe themselves as feminist. In my experience, there is no type who mansplains more than a white male who wears the mantle of feminist. I have had less difficulty from men of colour who know what it is to be marginalised.

Wow. So basically that Cecily Strong skit from the most recent SNL come to life.

When I was dating in LA in 2010-11, I found OKCupid was full of this type of moron.

Hey, that’s a good question.

I went to a few Catholic schools and in some we went to church once a week and had religious classes. It was never as Jesusy as this.

BernieBro actually

No. Plenty of men are very liberal about many issues that affect men, especially issues that affect them personally, but still view and treat women as lesser. How many men do you know who are genuinely appalled by slurs, except slurs for women and girls? Women are as likely to be killed by a male ex in Vermont as they

The DNC didn’t get her a win, the million votes of Democrats who voted for her did.

No no see, this only counts when it’s HER emails; not HIS.

Cool! And thanks to you unmotivated/anti-Clinton protest voter fuckheads, this is all on you! =)

Oh, I’d be comfortable putting money on that bet.

Seeing as it’s the republican plan and that’s a woman, I bet I know where that needle is going...

Needs moar Death Panels.

Every time I see Sessions I’m immediately reminded of Henry Gibson (of Laugh-in fame and aka the Illinois Nazi leader in The Blues Brothers).

No it exists I found it

There’s totally a plan. My girlfriend read it. She’s Canadian, you wouldn’t know her.

Hey Rand, I know someone who can help find this national treasure.

About the same odds as Trump tweeting today

1 in 1

I would be interested to know the origin of this term. Above, it says that it's been floating about the mid-wife blog circuit. And that makes the cynic in me perk up her evil little pointed ears.