Every woman is forced to have her haircut in hell.
Every woman is forced to have her haircut in hell.
As someone who gave living in West Virginia a try (I’m originally from California, lived in WV for about two years, then moved back to CA) there were some good points to this article, but I think you really underplay the role of racism/sexism in Donald Trump’s election there. When I was living in WV, I routinely heard…
The fact that I literally said out loud, “Thank goodness my dad got cancer during the Obamacare years” this morning is supremely fucked up.
The TV show takes place in contemporary times/near future. She was quoting the show.
Being trans is not a “self-imposed ‘camp’.” Climate change is not a “choice.” Sure, disagreeing with someone about certain specific policy ideas is one thing, but when one group actively denies the existence of another group or tries to use political might to harm a group/the earth, it’s not just people on opposite…
In some cases it’s based on personal taste, yes, but in this case my dad is the one who enjoys Sci-Fi/speculative fiction movies and shows, while my mom is more into period pieces/drama. Literally the reason I didn’t initially recommend it to him was because of the feminist themes.
I was talking to both my parents on the phone yesterday about how good the show was and I found myself instinctively saying, “You should watch it mom, I don’t know if you’d like it dad,” before realizing how much internalized misogyny I had just expressed. Literally I was trying to protect my dad from facing some of…
Also, there’s gotta be a correlation between this show being on and Republican presidencies.
100% of them own and have posted Insta pictures wearing MAGA hats.
Oh yes, for sure. Totally spoiled on camera. Humiliating in retrospect.
I remember a girl from my high school was on this and I wasn’t invited to the party, but for some reason I still decided to watch the episode and see all my classmates having a fun time without me.
Okay, but tweeting the article about his wife is a little suspicious. Why would you post that the same day rumors about infidelity are swirling around?! Unless it was posted by one of his staffers throwing some serious shade.
I have trouble working out after eating a burrito. I can’t imagine winning a freaking Grand Slam while pregnant.
Ugh, Jim Justice was a Republican until a few months before he decided to run for governor of WV. He’s been screwing over the people of West Virginia for years. What a stupid publicity stunt.
I still commend Colbert for absolutely destroying George W. Bush at the WHCD back in 2006. That was an incredible moment and I will sometimes watch that video even today when I’m feeling particularly down.
Why do this in an elementary school? Why commit this act of domestic violence in front of children? This is so horrible all around.
That’s not what I said, obviously racism existed before this. Trump, however, seems to have “given permission” for white people to say this shit out loud on TV without fear of retribution they have had in the past decade or two. Case in point, David Duke climbing out of the slimehole where he lives and once again…
One really sick part about this whole thing is that this is how A LOT of white people talk when no one else is around. The Trump era has made people think this is OK to not only say while at home, but on national television. People need to be publicly shamed for saying shit like this.
I’ve only seen her once since the election (Christmas day) and I almost had an aneurysm because she cornered me while I was cooking in the kitchen and started telling me to give Trump a chance and that I’m “too young to know any better.” I have not visited her since and have told her that if she loses health…