
This reminds me of a talking caterpillar toy that belonged to my much younger sibling that me and my older sibling would play with because we were immature as hell. When you pushed the legs of the toy, they would each sound out a different letter of the alphabet. Being stupid pre-teens, my brother and I would always

Is it just me or does he look like a younger version of Iggy Pop? And I would probably say “yes” to sex with Iggy Pop, no to this guy.

Well, at least Atlanta has good music? And the MLK Jr. museum. But the South, ya. It’s a totally different ballgame down there.

Ahhhh I love Los Feliz and dream of living in that part of LA someday.

Hey, sometimes it’s refreshing to find yourself wandering around in a 120 degree heat surrounded by a strange smell and wonder to yourself “How in the hell did I end up here?”

Love my home state, I was born in the Bay Area, grew up in San Diego, went back to the Bay for college and now live in Los Angeles. Tried living in the middle of the country for a while, it did not last. I know I’m a wimp when it comes to weather/interacting with conservatives and I’ll probably never be able to

Goddamnit, the fucking “Say Merry Christmas Again” just makes me want to say Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa to everyone I pass when walking down the street except I live in Los Angeles and people here wouldn’t be offended (In fact, a lot of people would probably smile and say thanks even if they don’t celebrate

I knew it was coming, but I’m still trying not to cry at work. Fuck all of this.

There must be another band that bridges the gap between 2003 Hoobastank and 2012 Imagine Dragons...

How the eff are there no Twenty One Pilots songs on this list? Am I the only one perpetually annoyed by their douchecanoe white frat boy “music”? For some reason I found their songs to be the distillation of everything horrible in America in 2016.

Looks like someone spun “Make Hunger Games Real” on the 2016 Wheel of Torture and Misery.

Lindsay Graham? Not that I agree with him on a lot of issues, but he’s been pretty consistently anti-Trump.

In all honesty, this was one of my favorite moments while the campaign was still going on. I kept randomly laughing at work the next couple of days whenever I thought about it. Now it doesn’t seem as funny.

Why do people feel like they need that much money? Like, doesn’t it reach a certain point that you can buy anything you could ever want and then the rest is just piles of $$ building up on themselves? I understand it would be nice to be able to afford college/house/food/health insurance/bills without stressing out,

I have such mixed feelings about Pitbull. I don’t understand how any woman finds him attractive, but he also seems like an okay dude? Like he just really just wants to have a great time, all the time.

I’m from CA and love me some Gavin. One of the things that worried me about him eventually running for Prez was his past marriage stuff, but after Trump, Republicans won’t really reasonably be able to use that against him.

I was up in the Bay this past weekend for a mini college reunion and I couldn’t believe how expensive it’s gotten even in the past 2-3 years! I live in LA, so it’s not that much cheaper where I live, but it’s still slightly less pricey. I loved living in NorCal for college and would not be opposed to moving back up

That’s kind of confusing to me. If Ohio did well economically under Kasich, why is everyone claiming that the reason Ohioans went with Trump is because of “economic anxiety?” It doesn’t really add up.

Ding ding ding we have a winner.