
This goes to show how any movement, even so-called leftist/progressive ones, can be supported by individuals with misogynistic, violent tendencies. It’s very much an “ends justify the means” mindset for many of these folks, which bums me out big time.

I grew up in San Diego and loved going to the Safari Park (it used to be called the Wild Animal Park) all the time. I got to see the tiger exhibit last time I was visiting my parents in SD, and it is really cool. Anyone going on vacation in San Diego should really go to the Safari Park for a day. It’s totally worth it.

I was super bummed when I heard that he said this. I’m so tired of people using words with negative connotations to refer to women’s sexuality. Dr. Song’s “apology” really comes off as a classic “it’s not my fault you got offended” non-apology usually reserved for Republican gaffes. Just disappointment at the casual

My group of friends that I’ve had since high school have informally kept a list in the past decade of the old men we’d like to sleep with. Jeff Bridges is near the top for all of us, David Bowie was a regular (RIP), and randomly Steve Buscemi made the list every once in a while...? I will confess that there was a time

As someone who just left West Virginia after living there for two years, this doesn’t totally surprise me. That being said, I want people to know that there are a lot of really cool LGBT organizations in the state including the Appalachian Queer film Festival.

Don did it!

I'm from SD, and I can tell you that Spanos (and the family lawyer) has been a huge a-hole during this whole thing. He refuses to work with the city at all and openly blames San Diegans for the crappy team/stadium without taking any blame for how fucking cheap he is. Also, Qualcomm Stadium isn't a permanent solutions

Sky Dancers. And I loved them so much, I dressed up like one for Halloween the next year.

I’m done with guns.

I never said that pro-life groups and individuals aren’t denouncing the shooting, I’m just saying that there has not been a loud, systemic outcry blaming all pro-lifers for violent acts against women’s health clinics from the same people who blame Muslims as a group for extremist acts . The rhetoric surrounding

I have a feeling that those who insist that Muslims need to be more vocal in condemning ISIS would not say the same thing to pro-lifers when it comes to condemning people who shoot up abortion clinics...

The summer between my first and sophomore years in college, my grandfather passed away. Because I had met all these cool liberal arts people at school and had determined that I was going to be the biggest hippie in college next year, I was changing my hygiene/cosmetic routine to be more “natural.” One of the things I