Thou shall not steal motherfuckers. Which commandment is this one?
Thou shall not steal motherfuckers. Which commandment is this one?
“I doubt mowing lawns and shoveling driveways would count.”
“What high school student has a fucking job BEFORE graduation?”
With a lucrative backdoor poverty—>for profit prison sideline.
so to increase the graduation rate, they’ve decided to essentially make it harder to graduate
It’s probably got something to do with you seeing a headline in 2013, putting it in your pocket, and then never looking at global warming headlines again, or bothering to take a look at any data. Unfortunately, this has the side effect of you not realizing that the 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 1998.
Prove it.
Black people have a right to feel suspicious considering the school’s past, and it’s important, especially so shockingly early on, to make sure the rules are followed. But as you say, it’s really in EVERYONE’s best interest that the actual numbers come out. You can argue that one kid being on there was political (and…
This is “actual sexual assault”. If you don’t think that physically forcing sexual contact with someone who’s repeatedly said “no” to your sexual advances and asked you to leave their home is “actual sexual assault” just because the sexual contact wasn’t penetration, you’re probably confusing sexual assault (a general…
It’s not a matter of opinion, it’s just a fact: assault, sexual or not, is still assault even when the attacker was drunk and/or feels they’ve made a mistake by assaulting someone.
We shall “live in the past” until the past is fully and completely separated from the present.
“You also weren’t alive then. None of us were.
Every man wants a successful intelligent woman until they realize the reason we are successful is because we won’t put up with bullshit.
HThe irony is that there are plenty of women who would be into a dude with money regardless of what he looks like. McClure is either too lazy to find them or he gets off on foisting himself on unsuspecting women. (My guess is the latter.)
Two hundred and forty-one years ago, America gained its independence from Britain. Since then, July 4 has been…
And that is why the mother is suing the school.
Of course they don’t want their baby to die, that why sometimes the medical team have to say “this is what is best, nothing more can be done.”. He is not their property. He is a baby with rights of his own. He has a right to live and die in dignity. The decision shouldn’t be theirs. I hope they can make their…
What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.
I have a white friend who has a black son. His mom went in to meet with his teacher because there was some constant misunderstanding about his homework (mom would review it, see that it was complete, but it kept coming back marked as incomplete). After the teacher saw that mom was white, the kid’s grades went up.…
Yeah my bff was salutatorian at her high school but missed valedictorian by half a point. She was editor of the school paper, cheerleader, in all honors classes, National Honor Society and treasurer for Student Council. The Valedictorian had no extra curricular activities and only one honors class. She was embarrassed…