
Not to be a dick, but won’t this be more like Bill’s third term? Isn’t she putting him in charge of co-presidentiary stuff already?

In somewhat unrelated news: I remember sitting in a waiting room back in 1999 with a talk show interviewing some psychic who said that Bill Clinton would have a third term some day, that

A few ideas:

- Closed primaries forcing them to vote democrat in the primaries and they were voting *against* hillary
- Anti-establishment protest vote. Both Bernie and Trump represent anything but politics as usual.
-Trolls who didn’t actually vote Bernie or won’t actually vote Trump, just stirring the pot.

I’m glad you’re not embarrassed! Most of the friends I have obsessively watch the Bachelor and/or Kardashians instead and then they dare to shame me for watching Teen Mom 2. “You shouldn’t support glorifying that lifestyle!” they say and I say, “Hey, no fair shaming me! You watch crap telelvision, too, that maybe

Re: Friendzone

Maybe this isn’t true of everyone, but many of us understand that term to be the word guys use when they think they are entitled to sex from a woman just because they have been “nice” to her and put in the “appropriate” amount of time. They don’t consider her a friend, they only hang around hoping

This show is a guilty pleasure, which I’m appropriately embarassed about watching.

Everything about Jenelle is a mess, but she’s somehow less awful than Leah. But I keep scratching my head over Jenelle consantly enrolling in different classes at the local community college for medical career fields (first medical

Nana Tyrell is getting the fuck out of King’s Landing... but not before telling Cersei... “I wonder if you’re the worst person I’ve ever met.”

Gif needed.

Oh good. the #NotAllMen argument, when no one actually said “all men.” The voices in your head told you that part, not me.

You, my dear, have the luxury of not being afraid of women because you’re far, far less likely to be raped or murdered by a woman. You have the luxury of not being afraid in the dating world

I have an idea. We’ll leave Dan A. Turner alone in a room with the victim’s father and brothers for about 20 minutes and then see if he thinks that 20 minutes of action isn’t such a big deal.

I guess it depends on what you’re personally concerned about. If you have sex with someone infected, you may become infected with Zika. Symptoms range from no symptoms to fever, rash, joint pain, pink eye, muscle pain and headache. If you wish to avoid these symptoms, you may wish to avoid contracting Zika.

But then,

According to the CDC website:

Based on the available evidence, we think that Zika virus infection in a woman who is not pregnant would not pose a risk for birth defects in future pregnancies after the virus has cleared from her blood. From what we know about similar infections, once a person has been infected with Zika

No, I understood your point, it was just petty. Heaven forbid women talk about and reflect on the dangers we face in the world of relationships and dating without some MRA running in screaming, “WOMEN ARE JUST AS BAD MAYBE WORSER!”

Look, if you’re afraid of women and have good reason to, I understand. I’m not running

You’re more than welcome to keep a file of bookmarks of stories about murderous women for when all the idiot women whine about why men don’t trust women or fear women or feel women are more violent. No one is stopping you.

I don’t know why you felt threatened by my comment or seemed to believe I wrote that only men

I was telling my husband about the list of these stories I had bookmarked in the last two weeks, and when I got to the one about the woman in Italy burned alive by her ex-boyfriend, he said, “Okay, I don’t want to hear any more.”

Something has got to change.

Are we going to do this as a weekly roundup now? Because someone needs to. There needs to be, somewhere, a weekly collection of these stories so we don’t just forget about it in the next news cycle.

At this point, I’m just keeping a file of bookmarks of stories like this for when all the idiot men whine about why women don’t trust men or fear men or feel men are more violent.

Rolf the Dog!

I’m worried though that the vitriol this movie’s getting will hit its box office. Here’ to hoping for hate watching!

Thanks for the link. Somehow I missed it.

I must say, though, if I had his wealth and thought nothing of spending $60,000 for a hairstyle, I’d have found someone who could give me a better looking style. He obviously cares to some extent about his hair that he doesn’t want to be seen as bald, so you can’t say he just

They do it because they know it isn’t all that risky — sex crimes have a low arrest rate and even lower conviction rate. Even the guy in the original story — he might have been arrested, but will the DA even take it to conviction and if so, what’s he going to get? A slap on the wrist?

They do it because they know all

Not every man is a rapist, but if something happens to you people are going to demand why you didn’t suspect the man of being a rapist. It’s a catch 22.