When I first saw the headline I panicked because I thought she was dead. Then I was momentarily happy she wasn’t dead. Then I read the rest of the headline and article and kinda wished it was the first thing.
When I first saw the headline I panicked because I thought she was dead. Then I was momentarily happy she wasn’t dead. Then I read the rest of the headline and article and kinda wished it was the first thing.
heavily implied that he has a checkered history with women
Jennifer is often miscast. Way too often.
I think of him as kind of the unofficial mascot of ratio studies. Also a really delightful image search, if I’m being honest. Lot of lumpy spring training portraiture.
The Jack Cust photo is some really inspired work.
I freaking forgot about the BLU ads... TAKE BACK YOUR FREEDOM!!!!!!
Not if you love Big Tobacco there’s not!
Yup- so busy seeing himself as a victim of his addiction that he thinks that he has the same perspective as someone he actually victimized. It’s a shame because even when working through this shit through Rick’s character on Rick & Morty, the focus is still on Rick feeling bad when he realizes how bad he makes other…
I liked him in Somewhere. (Although I thought the real surprise in that movie was Chris Pontius.)
“I feel bad for treating you like shit. How can you not make me feel bad about it?”
What institutional changes do you see leading to this momentous shift?
I love the guy who made a entire post explaining how thin he is... on an article about the frustrations of being plus size and being excluded from virtually every market. Like, is this really the place and time to brag about how small your shirts are?
Cisgender only? WTF are you talking about?
Hopeful allies should be reading and learning. They don’t need to post on every article, and especially not about things that aren’t relevant to the issue at hand or are meant only to get a high number of stars.
Yes. This. I’m right there with you.
I know you mean well, but fat girls hear similar shit from skinny girls all the time. Your struggles are real, but not the same as the struggles of fat women.
You know what came to mind after the scene with the kid and the broom? The moment in the Buffy finale when all the Potentials are fully energized.