Hot take Kiley.
Hot take Kiley.
I watch this like people shoot heroin.
I think it’s all about HOW you disagree. I think when people can have fundamental differences and talk them through with respect and truly listen to each other, maybe even find some consensus on some issues - that’s beautiful and we absolutely need that right now.
too bad the irl assholes aren’t as easy to get rid of. they’re out in force today, and for the next few years, presumably :c
Everyone not white and male should be very concerned. My husband is a 100% born and raised Puerto Rican (meaning American), and he has had epithets hurled about ‘going back to where he came from’ in the past two years.
I’m heartbroken and fearful for being Mexican-American and gay in this country.
thank you so much! it was such a long time coming and the day was actually really lovely. the memories and pictures have helped me get through today after the copious amount of tequila i drank last night turned on me.
My brother works with third graders in a very poor school where most of the students are black or hispanic. Today a couple of the black children told him they were scared Trump was going to send them to Africa.
You’re due at the same time as one of my good friends - I just told her to order her pump. See, the internet does have good advice!
Samsies - timeline, cramps, everything. But all the cramps and bleeding are worth it since it should outlast this presidency.
this so much. marriage equality was obviously an important step, but it was just one of many, and who knows when that will be taken away from us?
I teach middle school. Near retirement. Under the radar TS. Androgyny for survival. But hormones and the full deal. Had planned to come out soon. Not now. Not in this state in which I now live. A state which by choice provides no protection for us. And soon likely even less.
Someone on my FB page posted about how Planned Parenthood has only been around for 100 years and women managed our health just fine before that. Um, no we fucking didn’t. We had babies we didn’t want and died in childbirth.
Still not a federally-protected class. STILL not a federally-protected class. Marriage doesn’t mean anything for an eleven year-old who “can’t” be targeted by hate speech, or the person who gets fired for getting married.
I’m so sorry. There is no way that I could ever know how terrifying this is. I try to think of how terrifying it must have been for my grandparents and great-grandparents as the Nazis rose to power, even for those who were fortunate enough to be in the US when that happened, but even so, without having been there…
This is beautifully written.
I am thinking of all my LGBT friends today, and you. I support you, and will do my part to make things better, in any small way I can.
Friend of mine pointed out that her local food bank shelves are totally empty, and even around Thanksgiving when they’re full, they always need things like laundry detergent, soap and (my favorite) birthday candles, cake mixes and frosting.
Want me to start taking so-called third parties seriously? Stop nominating loons like Stein and Johnson.
Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.
Garnering just over 1.2 million votes, Jill Stein is arguably slightly less responsible for giving us Donald Trump…