Betty shooting birds

I learned that too, but you know what? I wanted to have my two daughters with me today when I got to vote for a Lady President (as they call her). I think it was just as important to show them that their Daddy was enthusiastic and excited about it, that it wasn’t just limited to Mommy.

It is astonishing that people don’t get this.

I hope the ghost of Susan B Anthony makes Susan Sarandon shit her pants tonight.

After hearing my wife say she weeped in her car after voting and watching or listening to stories of women crying tears of joy after voting, I am really honored to have taken part in this celebration of humanity. I will never fully understand the pain and suffering accumulated day to day from being a woman in a male

Trump means never having to say you’re sorry for Libya or Iraq. Trump keeps you from parsing how an unlivable $12/hour wage is any less unjust than the current unlivable minimum. Trump allows you to sidestep potentially ratfucking Bernie Sanders after using pet incompetent Debbie Wasserman Schultz to schedule every

I voted at home with a mail-in ballot (thanks CO!) and was surprised at how emotional I was voting for the first woman president. It was powerful, powerful stuff.

I hope you saw the Jezebel response, because it is fucking marvelous.

Your cousin is delivering you Viagra? Where are you, West Virginia?


Imma get me a Cool Story Bro t-shirt to wear for this presidency.

I’m aware that if everyone else in safe Democratic states thought like me, Democrats would lose every election. Thankfully, most people in safe Democratic states don’t think like me, giving me the luxury to do so.

“Whine howl moan, somebody care about my deep personal struggles voting for a candidate I’m not 100% in love with, somebody rearrange the world that I only have to pay attention to things I actually like, somebody care about the fact that I’m willing to fuck over ALL of my fellow-citizens as long as I get to feel like

No it’s not the comments, it’s the article, which was a masturbatory exercise lacking in self-awareness. Women, immigrants, and minorities do not have the privilege of hemming and hawing, or the delusion that their unique and woke qualifications for their vote matter in the least, and it goes to show that a majority

Alex is too busy writing his manifesto on why he hates Tim Kaine.

Ashley is the best, though. So I’d be super psyched about that.

Thank you. I’ve had conversations this morning with three people (all voting Hillary) who admitted that they are sort of not that horrified by the idea of a Trump victory because it will just burn it all down the faster.

thank u