Betty shooting birds

End Male Suffrage Now!

Every dude in this post (except Drew) is that tedious asshole in your undergrad polisci seminar who won’t shut up about how they *get* politics and you don’t.

That is exactly what I was thinking. I guess when your opinion has always mattered you start to take it for granted and turn into a whiny douche.

He didn’t listen and he’s sad too now. We are all sad...

THANK YOU!! I wish I hadn’t read this because most of the male writers seem insufferable and high on their own farts.

Nowhere in the letter Trump read is there a preemptive refusal to discuss the injury list. I’m calling fake.

Bud Lite Lime-a-Rita

right. how could a 64 year old white man who has cheated several times at his multi-million dollar job and gotten away with it while controlling the lives of dozens of undereducated men of color be a trump supporter?

I would love it if Hillary came out with Gaga wearing a meat pant suit.

Yep, so much navel gazing by the dudes, all of whom are of course white men, the only ones who can afford to navel gaze about this election.

I just told my boyfriend not to read this article because he’d shit his pants at how stupid most of the dudes are. Although why it still surprises me I don’t know, men were steering the ship that lead here...(also I’m shocked HamNo is voting Hillary, I did not expect him to be a voice of reason)

Her style can be a bit bonkers, but that’s sort of a good thing in a pop singer and a great thing in a doll.

It’s astonishing isn’t it?

Not to sound like an angry old person (I’m not, I’m 27), but you should vote because it’s a privilege to be able to vote. And because you all talk like you’re political geniuses and we should all listen to and agree with you - back that shit up by actually DOING something, not just talking.

Anyone who talks about holding their nose and supporting anyone needs to check in with the reality of electoral politics. If everyone voted for their perfect candidate, you would have 300 million write-in candidates, or thereabouts.

I’m going to rant, pointlessly, in the greys. Do you hate the system? Do you want to change things? Then get involved in local government. Hell, get involved with the party you most agree with, and change it. Don’t make a vague plan to vote for the perfect thing that will be just the best, once you come up with it.

I live in NY and wasn’t going to bother voting because taking off work to schlep to a voting place seems like a waste of time. Like Tom Ley though, I want Trump to lose more than anything but equally importantly, I want him to lose BIGLY.

Note that it will also be fun to see Peter Thiel’s reaction if Donald loses.

Hate how the media went dead silent in reminding us about the sh- Trump has in his 40 years of being famous. You damn right I’m not voting for this serial rapist, fireman-hating, charity-stealing cheeto turd.