I want to hear the racist shit he has said on set.
I want to hear the racist shit he has said on set.
Exactly. I’m over here screaming that NBC owns Access Hollywood and the Apprentice and was, therefore, a hostile workplace for women. And next week they were going to try to use what’s essentially a personnel file as their own scoop. Fuck the hell off.
I know this isn’t how FOIA works but it should be.
At this point, if you even THINK about making the argument that Hillary is just as bad as Trump, please remove yourself from society and just think about what you’ve done for a while.
Such a tape practically ended the career of co-host Pat O’Brien at that very time (2004). Access Hollywood = “Louche Brats R Us”
His base is immune to facts that don’t fit their worldview. They’re all lies, made up by the liberal media, or irrelevant because they read on the web that Obama/Hillary/Bill is a werewolf.
Whoa, slow down bud, trying to take notes here.
Can you remind me why we’re supposed to hate the players tribune?
I think it was your hard work, Mr. Finger and the rest of the Jezebel staff, that made this possible.
NFL games are absolutely horrible to attend as well
Or utter refusal to protect player safety.
Of course it has nothing to do with the actual policies the NFL has implemented! Good ol’ Rog hasn’t done anything wrong...
I think two commenters gave excellent reasons for why in last nights thread.
I think it’s the case that Simmons and his ex-Grantland staff were like, “We’re no longer affiliated with espn so now we’re not constrained to doing only sports and pop culture anymore.” The problem being that sports and pop culture is what they’re good at.
Ringer, I served with Grantland. I knew Grantland. Grantland was a friend of mine. Ringer, you’re no Grantland.
Yep, Bush Jr. was a C+ student.
There’s only going to be one funeral on Sunday and it ain’t going to be hers.
See! It wasn’t Jose Mesa’s fault! They didn’t put in any outfielders!
Never forget.
I think the hard part is trying to discern where the line is drawn. Just because someone wants to be anonymous doesn’t mean they should automatically have that courtesy afforded to them. Nor should the fact that someone is “famous” be carte blanche to expose them. Privacy versus the public interest is never going to…