This is a story of which I was utterly unaware. I am fascinated and will definitely watch the movie.
I’m so glad this movie means this story will be seen/heard by more people.
“But DEBORAH, we need a HORSE RACE, or our razor thin reason for existing may DISAPPEAR” — mass media
To be fair, the pap smear requirement for renewing birth control is paternalistic garbage with no basis in science.
Thank you.
Business in the front, road to zion in the back.
Chop him up into pieces, bundle his pieces with the mulchy remains of other similarly mutilated libertarians, and then publicly trade the bundles.
If life imitates art, it was her brother.
Unpopular opinion:
Well, ok, but if no more Sherlock then fingers crossed they’re the new Bake-Off hosts.
who the fuck cares? it was her jewelry, she owned it, and she is entitled to wear it wherever the fuck she pleases. it is not a reason that she should be robbed and menaced and caused to be in fear for her life.
Young women who grew up watching Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.
one that may have been unbearable to watch if it hadn’t been so carefully treated in the pilot episode.
Most of those fans are to baseball what GET IN THE HOLE guy is to golf
As an Indians fan and a human being: STFU.
Are they playing the Yankees or Nazi Germany? Then no.