If my body won’t let me eat deviled eggs anymore, but I have a deviled egg tattoo, am I still getting into heaven?
If my body won’t let me eat deviled eggs anymore, but I have a deviled egg tattoo, am I still getting into heaven?
It’s the massively slashing the social safety net, the state’s rights rhetoric, that Johnson himself has said that he wants to reverse Roe v Wade, and roll back environmental protections and banking regulations. There’s really very little to like about Libertarians.
Libertarians, even though their political ideology is the complete antithesis to progressive politics, somehow manage to draw in plenty of self-professed liberals. And by liberals I mean young white people who want weed to be legal.
My dreams about a claw foot tub have just been shattered by the un-practicalities.
OOOOOoooooo I will check that out and then start buying lottery tickets, thanks!
I love their TV chemistry but I hate hate hate hate hate her interior design style. It’s middle-aged rich lady high and without her glasses (hence the giant clocks) at Pottery Barn/Pier One shit. Every. Single. Time. I get that, as an interior designer, you want a kind of signature style, but for the love of god can…
But on the other hand, it would be a whole season of the phrase “Bad Boy Chad”
Sometimes an ace is a 1. I'd go with a Queen.
*deletes now-useless popcorn gifs*
On the one hand, fuck her, she’s a cold-blooded murderer and I’m glad she’s not getting out. On the other hand, if this weren’t a famous case she’d have been out by now and perhaps cooler heads should be making the call, free from political pressure, about whether someone is still a danger to others and when, if ever,…
??? she applied for parole. of course she wants out
Another thing is that, in most civilized nations, a life sentence is impossible, and 25 years is usually the maximum. Of course in those countries rehabilitation is a priority and troubled people exit prison far more capable of being a productive citizen. I just don't see the point of keeping her in. I also don't see…
Tay Tay will earn my forgiveness when she puts out a fire new album.
Sweet jesus, how great is that GIF?